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Silas Wright

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'Filis genileinan has nmr.y ivnmi paliucil fríen is who will stihe lo Ijring liim forward as a canutdate for Presidetit at the next Presiden! iul election. lie and Gen. Cnss me ('ic or!y t'-vo prominent Northern men in the Democratie I party. Shouli] Gen. Tnylor bn a car:dida'e, the hopos ofCnss inust ppríh, bs Ihí would be left wiihout nnv prosjoet ofearrying the Slavo States, nud his voie against the W'ilniot Proviso '.voul 1 pivvent the Norlh uniting on hi:n. ín thal oven1, shnulJ tli3 Dcmociacy have n lidie!, SüasVVright WouTd, n a!l probability, le iheir candida'.e. Sucli be'n; the tvnsp, his vír'v.s upon the rjuetion ,í' tlie rxtcnsion of Síavcry must he regflrded I vvith interest. O tl tbts subject, ihe New Fcvrfe Evening Posí givea tl folio ing by anthority, us expressive of his views: "li is true t'in! when Mr. !vng, ofSi. Lawrence, firt bmke ground o;i this I quesiion in he House of Rfpresentatívps, last winter, he did it wiihout an instiga1 ion froin Mr. Wright. But it Istqui.lly true, thnt Mr. Wright appróv. ed of this siep, thnt he thought il neithei iinproppr in iiself, nor ül-timed ; that hc was plensed wilh the boldncss by whicti it ïï:is pronvpted, and tlie perservernm-e bv whiol) it wis muintninei 11e held tliat the occisión was one which cal'ei for a frank declara' ion of the principies by whiph the Dempprats if the North intended to govern their proceetlings. - He did not regard iha three million bi:l a n war möttsurp, nr as a proposition to purchasfi a praoe, bul as an npproprialion lo purchase lanH when o peaee should be made; and he thought that good f .it!i towards the Sonlh required thnt the Noithern DmO8rats should place their in'entions on record at the very moment of sai.etioning the appropriatinn. lic ihnught it but fair to t e South, thnl in graniing the nppropialion they should pro pose and insist upon the indispensable cnndilion on which alone they would consent that it slionld be expended in the Bcquisition of new lei ritory. On these points, Mr. Wrig'it has never sought to conceal bis opinions, but has at all times expressed himself freely:" - True Democral. (J When you are in town, step into Pkrry's Bookstüre, in Ilawkins Block. It is one of the most agreeable places in the village to s,iend a leisure half hour - far prefemble to the bnr room, or the tavern parlor. Me has Ibe largos-t nnd best assortment of works ever offered in this place, which he is rendy to exhibil to every body at all times. See his advertisement. Oy Chatiel Mortgages, of the most approved fonn, just prin'.ed and for sale at this office.


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