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llOGS IN THE U-N'ITKD STATKS. Thf Geneeo Fanner saya tbaj '-the hng erop in ihe United Stnte.s, this Ifiil yo'ir, is threo limes the worth of ihc cotton cr.ip. The 'stnn-iiiig anny' f swini ,consumos nnnunlly two huudred mülions of busfiels of coi'ii." The'Montreal Pilo', or the lOrh inst, snys, ihai tlin nciount-; from Grcose Isle, the ([uarar.tïne grpajsi, 30 miles betns Qaeliec, "are of ihe nlarming de.oriptiwi - noarly 2000 imicrants havo diecJ, etiheï on the passage out r.r ut tli quarantine stationend typbus fcverof the mast rnqgtignont !i:il is raging at Groóse [.■-le." The QuebBc convsponricn1 of the Monti-cal Hcrald had aacertainéd. tlïat iip to the Bih nst, 600 Roinnn Cathoüc-; nnd 75 rrosietants, hRd been Lu-iüi ;,t Grosse I-le; that 7800 lay sick in tile chunche?, shed1--, nr.d tenis, nnd fhnt 1,000 persons wcic in thè siiips at anchor liierr. Old MEDicn;i5, ii) n l.-ite leder to the editor of thia pnper ro'a'.os i'io foüowinj good one: A soldier who had lost ,in arm at the bnttle of Monterey. ea'led yosferday al the Surgeou's quarters in grenl nl:irm,S'iyng, iie had jul been with a man who has the Sint 11 Pox, os'd ivques:cd tobe vaccinated. The Surgeon cnquircd ii'he hnd nevor had thot operatfön perförmadï 'Oh, ves," said h% "1 have beei) voccinatetl, ttnd :t operdted well, and I llave heen man v times expused to Smal! io; jut seo hcre, gil," presenting his slump arm, 'ydú liave cut off my mark." - The Sui'gpon lo pacify bun vacclnnted him in i he other ?nn - Síi'iday Nitios. The l;:ghest fguntnin in the r.orld iorí tho groirnds of ths Duke of PjÈVonshire, n Eiiglani, where a sing'ejal is throvvn to the height of áG7 (Vet - more thrin one hundred fet higber tlian Niágara falls. The ciglit acre? resei'vuir nhich sópptïèa it is ;?SG fect abo ve. Strnwberrie) of which tlierc are. hundreds of üü.'.IirIs in tic Ciilcinnati markol, aro ÍVoni five -to eiglit cenls a (j;iari, c vorv best seleclcd barrels ten cents. Orio Blshnp, íwenty-eight ï5rietL■, nnd six Ñunj all of tho Roman Ca'.holic Church, carne passengpr n the pneket shi) Havre, a few dnye sinco, to Npw Ynrk from Iíavrr. Twciity-nine olher Pripsts of thc same chuivh nre now on their wsy to tho sanie port, n tlio packet ship Splenclid. Sauce for the Goose is NOT SauCií foiitme Gandkr. - Cnpt. Wnluer s ;itlacke'd by tvb hundrsd Mexicans, bsnts tlicin. All rtghi! Qnnnles aitacks ;i wngon ifnin, U 1 1 ! s all the rscört, nnd laltes possa.sion. All wrnng! fJiracj! brigindism ! horrible! fiendib'h! tio &ay iho papers. . Ho.v. Abbqtt Lawrance, of Boston, has presentod to tho corpora (on of l-'avárd Univcrsity tho sum of 50,000 to bo e.vpendod in Gbtablishing a school for the '♦fTeaching tho pracücal scis'ücc:


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