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Chicago Convention

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Wc have but vory brief minutes of the cloings of tbis body. The Detroit Free Press bas the following item. It will be scfin that one of the first ncts was to elrct a Si.aveiioi.dkr lor President of the Convention ! Ofcojirsé. Who can g'ovë'rh as wrll as thcy ? Were lliey not " bom to command 1" Mr. J. L. Barton, of Iluililo, wn-t nppointed chai r man temporarily. In the afiernoon oflhe fiïst day the eóByenticn was ddreswl 'y Pr. Allcp.of Mnssachuselts, and Mt'ssrs. Corwii) and Grecley. The pt-rm-imnt President wns Kdwnrd Batos of Missouri, a-sislod by 10 Vioe President-: and 10 Secretares. Mr. Schenck of Oliio reporteJ n set of resohiiioii.s wKich wcre under debate wlifin the convention adjoiKixd to Tuesd:.y. Tlksdav. The conveotion met and letters from G-ovemor Wi-ight, T. H. Bcn:on, Maitin Van Buren, General Ons, Ilenry Cb.y, R. McClelland were rcad. The letters of Wright and Benton are long. A letter says at the end of the fecond day, all was harmonions. The number present is said to be TwenTY-FIVK THOISAN D. The Chicago Democrat savs : "The letter of Gov. Wright, in the most comprehensive stylo, covers the who'.e ground in few words. lic tclls 08 how fw we ought to gn, and where wesliould stop, in such plak) languftge thateven those of the le-ist advaaiages for eductitiori can plaínly understatid ibem. It is the sum total of his letter thnt there ís a mean bet ween the two extremes of Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Clay, and that lic would veto hen Gen Jackson did. nnd would sign tho bilis that he and Mr. V.mi Buren did. This letter embodé in ful) the Democratie creed upon the subjects of In ter nal Iinprovement ; and it has added largely to the number of Governor Wright's friends in tliis Sfite, and wil] make his previo s ones more devoted. " Mr. Van Buren wries a brief leMer coneurring generally in the ol.jects of the Convention. " Gen. Cnss declines without expre-sing nny opinión. " F rom what we hcar of Col Benton's leJter, it is hut a concurrence in the views of Gen. Jackson, Mr. Van Buren and Gov 'NVrigh'. He thinks a harbor at St. Louis, Chicago, BuflUlo, Erie, Cleveland, &c, &c, just as worlhy of Government appropriations as a liarbor at Boston or Charleston. He bclieved that Lake and River Improvem?nts, so far as they are matured, stand on the same ground witb Atlantic Improvements, and he has voted for all and will continue to do so." 05 Hon. Lovi YVoodbury, one of the Judges of tlie Supremo Court of the United States, has recently writien a letter to the American Society, for the A bolition of Capital Punislimenl, in which ho sa ys : "Thesuccess of your efïort toabolish Capital l'unishmerit is, in my view, highly desiiable - becnuse it appears to me in conformity with the more humane spirit of the age in other matte rs and with what may prove usoful in our improved siale of civilization, however it might hnvebeen inefficiënt iu periods more barbarons. Laws should he moulded to the changenble and changed condition of - If there be an excellency in superior mts - superior religión - superior intelligence - brute forcé and cruel severiües have certainly become less necessary in penal codes. At all evenls, and in ihe worst resul!, the experiment of gelting on here without capital punishment, can do but littlf injury - under the authority which evists to restore it whenever found to be judicioiis. While if successful, the experiment will cali down hlessings on its authors through all coming generations." C? The statement we published recently from the Cincinm.ti Herald respecting the maiming and mutulation of distinguHied authors, by striking out and altering passages from thelr writings, in n series of educalional vvorks got up by Wm. H. McGuffy, is acviiowlcdgcd by tliat paper to be erroneoiis, it having been misled by statements of others. 07 The Editor of the Albany Patriot sayshe husseen Gerrit Smitli within a few riays, and that he will not decline the nomination for President, made by the Macedón Convention. If so, it is arotmble that Rurritt will also consent to the use of his name for the Vice Presidency. OJ The President and suiie are on a tour to the North. They are to go as far east as Maine. In tl c English prices current, the reader frequent ly finds wheat quoted at so nany shillings "per qtiartet," a term which all do not comprehend. The folowing explanación, which we find in 1 oiher journal, niay be to such persons not minteresting:" A quarter of wheat i an English measure of eight standard bushels. If, thereforo, one sees wheat quoted at 56 In il rings, it is 7 shillings a bushel. A shilling is 22i cents: tnultiply by 7, and we ' ive $1.57} per bushel. ttT0 The Illinois Constitutional Convcnlion have eommcnced their deliberaliölte. Rcsolutions conleinplating a General Banking Lnw, similar to t'iat of New York, were leid upon the lable by a volé ol'OÜ lo 00. A setof resoluiions looking td an pnfire protiTbilion of the confèrring of banking pwtr by tho Legislatura, wns also tafd on t'e liible hy a vote of 102 lo 58. Among the nay-i were 6 WhigS out of 71, and 52 Democrats out of 91. A resolulion in favor of provisions ngninst (he circulation of bank büls of less tlinn #20, WW laid on the tablo, 101 to o e. fly A Tny'or meeiing has been held n Mttwaukif) Wisfor.sin, which was addi'cssed by Gen. Tallmadge.


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