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Liberty Nominations

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Tlio Nationn] Piess,ofCDcnnHi,ihrows out the following suggeslion, which we are confident wül fiini no favor wiili the leading spirits of tlie Liberty party. " We do not pretend to be ab!e to teil wbat will hoppen during the. next Congress, or wliiu wilt not, and we respectfully of those who do, wby tlie Convenlion en n nol make a swceping business of it this fal.I, and select candidaies fuf 1852 as v.eli 08 18-18? This vo do kjjov.bowevef.thnt tbc Liberty party eau linderstanr] its relations to tlie country in 1848 belter, when it knows what the state of the country is, (at 'lint timo,) than it oan now, when it does not. W e suggest. therefore, that tbe Convention hall, this feil, appoint a Uominittee to correspond with 'individuáis kuown os Anti-Slavery men in otlier ranksihan thoseof tbe Liberty party .t-ompare vicw.s and ascei tain in wh:it way, if any, and on wbat basis, the Anii-Sluvery sentiment nf tbe country may be consolidated, bv a more intímate politica! unión of all genuino Anti-Slavery men, and report the results oftlieir invesligations to the Convention nt an adjourned meeting. We cpujd then decide intelligenily and wisely, nnd net with becoming cnorgy and decisión. 'J'be great want ofilie AntiSlavery cau?e is tbe union of t8 fn&nds. Such a plan a we propose, wouid givc us nccurato eoundings, and save us trom half the penis of ordinnry navigation.- We thpuld kn ,wour friends and our foes - whom we could trust.and whom not - and would be unmoleslcd by any pretended abolitiotiisin." CyFor some weeks past, Hiere has been a general looking towards iMexico for important news of tbc war. But r.othingV interest bas tratjspired, cxcc-t a few confliow with thegucnllas, and the rnurders, nssassinations, anJ burning of bouses and villr.ges consequent on ihat iyriwn of warfure. Sorae particulars wilt be founJ in another Jilace. As for Gen. Scott, he bas been ptationary, noi being in a condition to go forward, and it bcing dangrrous to go backward. He has acted wiscly in keepingstill. Whether he will soon have reinforccmeiils enough to induce him to go forward, remaips lo he seen. All lle indicnlions now are. ihat the war will continue, and t'.at the whole country must be conquereJ in detail, and held by a largo permanent military ibrce. Wethink tho administratiofc will soon perceive that thcy must do this, or back out' of the country altogether. tt?" The Wlrgs are to hold a State Nominating Convention at Jackson, Sept. 15. Jacob M. Iloward, Lieul. Gov. Gordon, Mr. Edmunds, of Ypailaniï, Gov. Woodbridgc, II. V. Taylor, and others have been named as candidatos for Governor. We think, howevcr,none of these will consent to a nominatíon, as thora is no prospect of success ; and in the Whig and Democratie pnrti&s a noroin; tion uodsr such cireumstances is usuallv prejudicial to the subsequent politica! alvancenient of ihc nominres. [lonco the W;,ig nominecs for prominent offices, for some years past have beien inosily ofsecond orthird rate men, ihoeo of the bpsl talent nol being ambitious of the honor oí a certain defeat. 05 We perceive from a noiice in the Argus, that the liaptist Churcli in this place havo nppointed a coinmitteo to labor wilh tliose membersof the church bolonging to associations whose conditions of membership require a pledge of secrecy. They havo alsQ resolved to wilhdraw the fellowship of the church from those who rel'use to reliiKjuiili connection with such soc'e ies; ;n I inserte 1 a clause in tho church covenant, by whicll the members shall pledge tliemselves neither to unile, nor to receive into the church, any who are connectd with any secret association. ff?3 The National Press of Cir.cinnati, the sucoessor of tiie Pbilanthropist, thus rt)les lo doubls of its politlcal orthodoxy expressed by the Main e Liberty Standard. ''Thcro is hut one conlingency, in the event of wiiich, wc would think it unneL-e-ssary the Libcriy party to rnake a nomiuíition for President net Spring. It is ihis: If either the Whig or Uemocrulic parties should wilhdraw themselves from pditieal connexion with slaveholders and nomínate a suilable candidato, pledged to use all lifs constitutional infliience to discountenance and abolish slavcry, throughout tiie United Statrs, we should considcr tin; work of the Liberty organiza! ion fiuislied." (U" (en. Taylor wrote to the sfcretary of a meeting of ' Democratie Whigs' in Trenlon, Juno 21, - l'My lhanks are especinlly dun to my friends of the Stale of New Jersey, for their fiattering expressions of ap pro val and eeem, and wliich I can assuie ihem is ns truhfciBeciprocated. I embi'SÉüe this ccca.-ion to remnrk,ihal f the peoplé of the country desire to place Hie i:i the high oilice of Chief Magisirnte, I do nm l'eftl myself at liberty to refuse: the that pos'lion, as wel! as one more huinble, it will ever bc my pride nnd constant endeavop tt serva ihe country with all the ability 1 possej." This, if not ac:ccj)!inga Whig nomination, is an BCCeptanceof nominition by W!,igS.


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