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FARMERS! ATTSBíTION 6)f DOZ. Blood's dadle Scvihes, 30 m I!I.h.,-8 Gnw ' 15 Jeftk'a '■ " 10'J Burneti's, Hogere' & Curtiss' Cradle 100 Lainson'fl Grtsa S.Tihed, 10 doz. Tuwer's IJ-it's, IOÜÜ Ibs. Coil Chiirt from 3-IG to 5 8 in. 41) Lor Chaina, Hay Knive, liiish Hooks, J f ny, Bnrléy, and Minurt: Korlis, and all oiher Farming Utensils, jusl receivednn lor sale ai Detroit pricea ni ihe Anvil .Sime, U perTowi. IIKN'RY W. WELLES. July let, 1847. 325 5TONS 'Sw-9desf' flRON, 10 ' 'Juninta'' do. 3 " "I'eru" do. Togellier willi a lull and completo nssnrtnirMit o lron, Steel, Carnage Trimniiiiijs, Blacksniith and VVaggon Maker'a TooU, just received al tl Anvil Slore, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July I, "17. N3 Cali and Settle! THIS is to nolify a!I persons indebiet to the laie tiiniaol Harria, Partiidg i. Co., nnd H. 1!. Harris .V' Co . tnni their note are lfl'i in the haiidsol .lüines B. G.)tt, Fsq., 3 ai tice of the Peace. for c.illection As these fi m are now disilel it is alisolutcly nefcss;. ry tha llicir outstanding mattere shoukl besetilcd nssoo aa practicable. 11. B. MARRIS. Ann Arbor, July 12th, 1847. '.ii'y 3m SUGARS.- Loaf, Lump, Crushed Pow'd, Si. t roix. and Pono Rico iáuya all of superior qualitiea, estrenu-ly tnw nl ■Ml MAYNARD9. AUHlNlSTltAÏORS SALE. IV :he maner of the sale of the real ostatn o Edward K. Eyertt detienptd. No'ice is hereby given in pin snanco uf a license to me granted hy the Judge ol' Probate of the connty oí Clinton and state of Michigan, in the foregoing matter, I exposé to inle it public vendue a.t the Couri House, i;i the villigeol Ann Arbor, in the connty of Washienaw, and state aforesoid on the I6th day of Sepiettiber next at ont' o'c'ocU in the afternoon. all and singular, iha landa mik! tenements situnted in Brown and Fuller addiiion to the illage of Ann Arbor aforesaid, described as follows. to wit : Comraertcinjj 81 the uorth east corner ol Filock live, running thence nortl) seventeen deerees, east un ilie west line ol Pontiac sti"eet two rods : thonco westerly nl righi anelpRwiih Poniiac street eixteen rods ; tbence souihcrljr to the nonh wpgt corner of said bl-ock five rods : tlicnce ensierly to the place of beginninar. Uated this28th dayof.Inlv. A. D. 1817. MUNXIS KENNY, 328 - Gv Administiator of said estáte. Hardware. TFIE gubspribvre Imve iisi received n lnrge nil diiiin to their stock oí Furein nnd D mestic Si;lf Hardware; whicli makes iheir as Bonnicnt very complete. B. B. & W. R. NOYES .IrJuly íOih. 1P47. 324 TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Cooper's anc Joiner's Tools lur snle by 31 B. B. & W R. NOYES Jr. NAILS.- 150 kfegs Eastern Nails for for sale by 324 B. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Oradles and Scyihes. Kakcs mil Scvtl.e Siones.for suleat 324 .MAYNARDS. GROCKR1ES.- We cali particular aiiention to our stock of' Grocenes. whicli is the largest and best selected ever brought tu this village, and wül be sold al Wholesale or Retüil very low for pay. 324 MAYNARDS. TEAS. - Oíd Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial nnd Black Teas, all fine and fresj, at 34 MAYNARÜS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS!!!!!! THK Suhscriber would ca!l the attentiüii of tlie public lo WOOLSOs's NEW H'T ÏR COOKING STOVK, which they can confidently recommend as beina decidedly superior lo any cooking ftove in use. For simplichy in operaiion, tconomy in tuel.and for unequ.illed bnking and roasting qualilies it is uurivaled. The new and important improvement introduced ia ts const.uctiou bcing Bueh os to insure great advantages over all oiher kinds of cooking sloves. Those desirous ol getiin; a good cooking stove for farnily uso. or a public house, would do well bycallmg and exnmining the ahove stove before purchasing elsewhre. B. 13. & W.R NOYF.S, Jr'24 7( Woofiwnrd Avenue Western Glotiiing XÜKEPORIUM DETF.OIT, WOULD respeeiluily give notice tha! they have now reeeived iheir eniire stock of Spring and Slimmer t.oods and are fully prepared to supply their old cnsionicrs and the public with any amount of new and lashionable Kendy iTIndc CIotIiíh, Cunsisting ol cvery vuriety and descripiion o( garmentö. too numerous lo mention. All ol which tliey are disposed to sell at upon the most reasonable tertns anil pricéé. Also on hand a splendid assortment ol ROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, VES TIN GS, CA SMHARE TTS, TWEE DS, SU MM ER C L O THS, P l A.I N AND PLAID L INE ] S, Sic. &c. &c, sre fully prep'ared to niake to order upon tlie sliortcst notice, and must fashionable maiiner, ai their wel! known "Clothing Emporium," DETROIT. corner of Jefferson and W'oodward avenues. Detroit, Mhy 21, 1H47. N. B. Two or three first rato Tailors may find enip!' ymeni iion iminediaie applieation to the suben 'icrs, cor. Jeltorson and Woodward Avenvet. ï- : HALLOCK & RAYMOND. New fwomls HAVE BEEN RECEIVKD BY Wlm. & Bajmon&9 Proprietor of iho MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. of Jefl'urson Avenue and Bates St. Detroit. LKT every hody cali and look at the stock of Dry Gouds which muy be touiid al the Fa mous OLD MANHATTAN STORE. The quantity is larger, the style prettier, and the prices Iptcer thaii cvr 1 BDKNETS, BONNETS! A vcry largo asnrlmcnt of uil kinds. Tuseun. Su;i. ÍJcd;il lïiiihi. Open Work, English Broid, Albcriine, &lg. Ac. froni the coarsest to the fint'st. Also a gieai asöorinicnt of ribbons, tabs. ilowers. Lc. LAWNS, BAR AGES, MUSLIN D EL Al N S, JSalzorines! and all other sorts ofDress Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PAUASOLS "nd SHA7TLS, o ƒ all h i n d s PRINTS, PA i TALÓOS STUFF, C0TT0N7 GOODS. COTTON YARN, - asi) - b-y t-h-e c-a-r-t I-o-a-d-!-! If folks Trom the country will only give us a cnll. and look round amona; our niee goods, it is il; we -is!;. The goods will speek the'r own pmises, and in nine cases oat of len secure a trade. First rale Young Hyson Tea for four shillings ind sizpence per pound. Gnee Feathers, Puper Hangings &c. 317 W. A. RAYMOND. E. G. BURGER,, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. KOOT's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT'S BLOCK, 61-tf ANN ARBOR. GEESE FEATHXSRS! PAPER HANGINGS? FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TRA AT ONLY FOUK AND SIXPENCE PER 'OÜNB ! Bv tlu' wsy no one buys ihis tea once bui buys ïgain. and becomcs a cus'onier. None betler fur he price can be had in Detroit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, Traveling Baskets, and b well as lois of other goods besides Dry Goods nay be had very cheap at the ' (Jld Mixhattan Sïork,' Detroit. 17 W. A .RAYMOND. i E'S J j B W - S jj -Ji (-. 3 i s w O f -iIjö é i-s rf a? li III Lix A.ëS Lfrf E J G.U.!i.v ift 1 r.r Jbl „ 6}if Kegs Albany aud Troy Cut áJj Naife Sdto Cní. 20 Kegs Wrougtit Nails (id lo 12i!. 53 Boxes lí Belleveiniu " Giass frorn 7X9 to 10 X 14. 50 Kegs jure Lead n Oil. 500 Iba. '" dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil. "20,000 Teet Pino Lumbcr, seasoned, clear stuff. Toíretlier with a ful! assoitment of Locks. matches. Butts. Seicws, Window Blind Fasten ings, &e. for sale at witnin a fracüon of Detroit prices, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. IJKXRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, March 18, 1347. 30 8 THE LIBERTY MINST REL OVE BÜNORED COPIES of the lifih etfi tion of thÍ8 highly popular wnrk are for sale at the Signal office at 50 cents single, or $ 4,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. Now is the time for Liberty choirs to supply themselves. 1VM. S. ISIÏOWA, Attorney ■ Counselor at Law, ANX ARBOR, MICH. OFFICE whh E. Munuv, Esq. 1 y TO RENT. TUE ROOM over the store of Beckley's & Thomas. Possession given immedia'.ely. May 22, 1847. Bkcki.kïs &, Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of :iuhourand8 day Hrass Clucks lor sale, at $14 and $22 by the case. 30-2-tf J. W. TII.LMAN. DKaynards ARE IN TOWNGAIJV! HAVING removed to thfiir new store, where they are receiving an cxtensive assoriincni ol Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Groceries, Witli a small,!Pted Bssortment of DRY OODíí, All of which thev olTer to their old fricnds nmi new customere nt unusual low prices. Anything sold at their eiore is w&rramed to he ei first qualtiy. They irnand hercafier to keep almost every anide woflted íor fainily use. Ann Arbor. J mie :i(. 1847. :i23-tf THE CIRCUIT COURTfor thiscouniyis adjourned to the 26lh day of Aerguet icït, atone o'cluck in the afiernoon, at which time the petit jnrors will he required lo appear. CABSIUÊ SWIFT. C!erk, By J. M, IVii.uusai. Doputy. Da:ed Ann Arber, June 2lst, li-47. :-íi.3w TWO Horse W&Kfonaand aBucgyfor sale hy BECKLEYS & THOMAS. LARGE clialdron ket;le fnr sale by - liECKtEYB ATHOMAft. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. yio THRESHING MACUÑIS, CLOVER MACHINES ANU SEPARATOKS. npiIK iubeerjliar wonld infonn the pn'ilie iliai JL he minimies 10 manulaciure the ab ve ranciiines üt ihe otd sla. id ol Knnpp &, linvi'and, iii tlte Luvver VilJageo' Aim Arbor. neur the Paper Mili. The Machines are of approved model?, have been lhoroiihly testcil in this viciniiy and uniked well. Theyare made of the best n i;j ti-rials and by experiencod workmem. '''hoy will be kept constan tly on hand, and ntio bc made lo order at the shnrlrst DO i-e. Tliey will be so!d n very rgasnnible terina tor Caah, or for notes knnwn to beabsolutely goud. The nbove Machines can he iised by focir. six Of ciíílit horses. nncf are not linble to be ensily nroken or damnged. Thcy are woll adnpted lur the nee of either Forman or Jobbers. The Separators ean be attached to imy genred or strnpped machine of any other kind Tlje sibscriber would refer tn the Ibllowint; persons whb have purchascd and nsed nis Machines : IVMchiel Thompson, Salem, Alexnnder Doane, M James Parker, " Alva Pratt, Pitt-fi -ld, M. A. Cravath, " Chirles Alexander. " Win. Potts. Mil.ord. Hinkley & Vinton, Tlietford. Maltin Doty. Ypsilanti, M. P. & A. D. Iladley, Saline, Wm. Smith, Cantón. Isaac llurhans, Northfield. I'nrtion'ar atlention will be paid to Ilia'AiKS. Cash wil] be paid fr Old Castings. Persons desirous of purcitaaing machines ore requesteil to cali nnd examine these before purehasing'elsewhere. T. A. HWILAND. May 17, 1S-I7. 3l7tf THE SUIiSCniilER SENDETU 0KEET1NG. PERiiY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at No. 2 fiawkina Block, "next door to Hill, White & Co. 's Store Atm Arbor, Michigan. Let this be a sum'cient notice to all persons using Books, Pnper, Blank Booka, School Uooks, Slates, Qnills, Steel Pens, Pencii.nnd srAi'ioNERY, of any kind, that at Perry's Bookstore is tlie placs to btiy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, Bordcring. Kire üoards, and Snnd P.-iper, which will be sold cheap for cash, Standard and Miscellanoous books, suitable for District, Town ship and Family LIBRARÍAS. School Inspectors and others interested. are requesled to cali and examine his atsortrnent. Also, Union Sabbath Sciool books. a large varieiy, and lar superior to the $10 Library both in binding and matter. Also, Bibles, Testatnents. Prayer books and Hymn books. TOTJTHST BOOZSS, Moral, Jleligious, insiruclive and amusing.such as niay snlely be pat into the hands of tho young. GOLD PENS, with Gold and Silver cases, a superior article. The subscribir ha made arrangements in New York which wil] en-ible him at all times to obtain ony ihing ia his line direct from New York at short notice, by EXPRESS. It will be seen thathisfacilitk'8. or accomodating h:s customers with articles not on hand is beyond precedent, and he is ready and willing to do every thing reaaoaable to malie hts establishment such an one as an enhghtened and discerning comnjunity re quire, and he hopcs M nierit a share of patronage. Persone wishing any article in hs line will do well to cali before purchasing; elsewhere. " If you forget the plnce, enquire lor PERRYVS BOOK STORE, Ant; Arbor. Upper Village. It is desirabh that it should be understood tha: persons in the Country, sending cash orders, niay depend upon receiving books or etationery on ne favorable terms as though present to make the purchase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26, 1847. :!:! tf. IS NO Mohhery! THE Subscribers are sii'l in Market. nnd are prpp.-.rcd 1,1 „ii'er tí Farming1 Portion ' tne comirmniiy GREAT BARGAINS, in FULLED CLOTHS, FLANNELS, SATiNETS, BROAD CLOTHS, and n short neary all kinds of DRY GOODS 8f GROCERIES, BY WAY OF EXCHANGK KOR W O O L ind most kinds of Country Produce. The WOOLEN FACTQRY siluated in tliis riiJago is nuw in their possession, and is in suc cesslul operation, by means o( which they are able nfer betler inducements to WOOL GR0WLRS, than any olher eslablishment in the county. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN Those who wisli Cash, Dky Goods or Gao cKKiiís for iheir Wuol, or produce of any kind. should bo surc to cali on the Subscribers belore purchasing else wbere. WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING done to order on the shortest possible notice. Cali and s e e ! :SH;f BECKLKYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Tuwn, May 20, '47. rASHMARETT AND TWEÉDS. A _S beautif'ul article for Gentlemen's phnitnci ivear, just received and will he manufacturad in thR latest style and best possible inanner, at ilie " Wesiern Clothing Emporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318-tf D'OTROIT. Cor. Jcff. and Woodward avenues. Srccl CuIrivaTor Tccrh. rj"MIE suliscriber is agent for the Patent Steel _l_ Cultivator Tceth, and hasjust rceeived a Iresh eupply, which he vvill eell at ihe manufacturer's price. 'J'liis article is coming loto general use wherever imrodóced, and lias received ihe appVobation of ihe iirst agricuhurisls in the Unilud Siates. Anvil Store, Upper Tuwn. HENRY VV. WELLKS. Ani Arbor, 223 May, '47. 2!).]y CIicíí 5 Jcwelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Rctail. THE subscriber has just returned from New York wiih u large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, jewelry, tools, mate nnls. toy?, musical instrumenta and fancy goode, which ho will sell at wholn6ale or retail as ovv as any eslablishment west of New York. Country Walen Makers and otherj wanting any of ihe above Gooda wiJI find il tn their interest to cali,, as they will find ihe best assonmem in the city, and at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS, wiih silver holder and pencil 8 00. Price Reduced. Gold Pens.Watches and Jewelry REPAIRED II. B. MARSH. 107, Jc1'erson Avenue, Detroit, ) öign of the Gold Pen. ( 394 NEW GOODS. 'BY EXPRESS KOM KEW YORK. Spring Fashions. TFl E eubscriber boa just reeeived a fresh nsfornnent ui Spring nul Suiiimcr Goud, and oiers ihem lor sale chcap, such na Broaddoths of all dcscription ; Satinéis and Casshneres, and eoery hing in thePANTALOON nnd VESTING line, and ever}' artiele usually found in a Mercliant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepnrcd to niake and fit all kinds of gentlemen's parments, and would lender his llm.'ks lo his old cuslomere nnd llic pul lic generally, and solicits iheir favors. SJ= G ARMENT S cul to order at all limes. WM. WAGNER, Dr per AM) Taii.or, lluron Sircut, Soulli of the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April S!8, 1847. 3?W Wl2Sa W & 2L ï CLOTII, CLOTIIl ! fTIHE inidorsigncd would inform the public X that they will continue to manufacture Pulled Cloth, Cassimiere and FInnnel, al thcir Factory, two and a half miles west l'rom Ann Arbor, on lluron River noar the Ruilroad. TERMS i The price of niüking cloth will be for Cassimere, 44 ets. per yard ; for Fulled cloth, 37J, ets. oer yard ; for white Flannel, 20 ets. per yard. - We will aiso exchnngc cloth for wool on reasonable terms. Wool sent by railroad accompanied wilh instructions will be p.-omptly attended to. Wc have done an extensive business in rnanOfaeturing cloth for customers for years, and bulieve we give as good eatisfaction as nny Establishment in the State. We thereforc invite our old custoniefs to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fostkk &. Co.. Scio. S. W. FOSTEK & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 31.i-if. Keur Establishinent. clocks, WATCHES, AND pt w ■ r af TUE subscribe!' would respectfully announce to ilie ciiizeus of Dexter and viciniiy that lie lias opened a Bbop in llie above place, in llie corner store, formerly known as " Slicperd's"; where he is prepared to do at.l kinds of repair idg in the line of clocks, watclics, jevveliy &c, m the shortes' notice. Ilavinghadabout twilvi: years experience in some of the best Eastern shops, he Saltera hitnself that he can give enlire. sali-factum to all those wlio may fnvor him with their work. He has and isconetantly raceiving, clocks. watches. anti jewelry ot all descripti jns. which he vvill sell as cheap as the cheapest. W. VV. DEXTER. A h S O GROCERIES af all kinds: suoh as, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Rniins, CofTee, Peppers. Spiee. Kish, Candies. Tobacco, Cignrs &c. &c. And in fart kvkrythino usnally keptin such an estab!ishment( Licuor exckpteu) eonstantly on hand and lor sale cheap. VV. W. DEXTER & Co. Dextkr, March C, 1847 312 tl Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVING taken the Stand No. 58, VVoodard Avenue, 3 doors north of Doty's Auclion Iloom, recently ocenpied by J. G. Grano, as a Hat Store ; and added the stock of the latter lo hts own, and also engagud in niaiiulacturing every description of II ATS % CAPS, He is now prepared to offer to the Public ever1 article in his line, either ot bis own or eastern manufacture, twenty-five per cent Icsjihan have been effered in this niarket. In bie stock will be found Fine Nutra, Satín Beaver, Beaver, Otter, Biush an Sporting Hats, Fine Clolh. Sttk, l'lush, Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich SüU Cravats, Scarfs. Handkercheifs : Kid, Thread, Silk, aml Buekskin Gloves ; Col lars, Bosoms, VValking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Subscrilicr lias also securcd the service? of a first rate Practical Cutter, by which he will be cnabled tofurnish gnrments of every styleand description, and in ihe most approved and faahionable mnnner. Heis constantly receiving ihe latest fashions, nnd, employing the best of workmen. he is confident that he will give the best of sritisfaeiion to all that may favor hiin with their patronage in thie branch of his business. 310-tf o il Hand Again S THE Subscriber would respectful1,}' noïify the public, that he is located once more in the village of Ann Arbor, and is prepared to accommodate the community with a choice and well seiected assortment of NEW GOODS, conaisting of Dry Goods, Grogehiks, Hardwauk, Boots and Shoks, ChocKBRT, &c. &c, which' he will sel! for READY PAY as chenp as the same quality of Goods can be had at any other 6tore in town. l'ersons who wish to make purchnsesfor Cash, at Cash l'rices, will do well tu cali beforepurchasing clsewhere. I5y keeping the first quality of anieles, by selling at small profits, and by a fair and honorable course in business, he expects to merit a liberal share of public patronny. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in payment for Goods. (CT Don't furgel the jdace, - on the Kast Side of Main Street, a lew doors south of the Public Square, in the same store with C. Bliss, .leweler. M. VVHKELER. -Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 292-tf NOTICE THE co-partnership heretofore existing between Garland & Le Fevbï, is thisday desolved by mutual consent. Either partner is authorized to use the name of the firin in seltlin; lip the outstaniling business. Al! person.indebted to said firm are expected to nmke m. mediale payment, as by so doing they will savP cost. C. J. GARLAND, B. D. LE TEVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. 315-8vv NEW TIN SHOP. THE subscriber has commenced tlie manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, [n all (s various branches, in conneciion with the "Anvil Store," and is prepared to lurnish Country Merchanis and Farmers with evcry thing in that line. JÓB WORK AND REPAIRING Neatly and expcditiously done. HÉNRY W. WELLES. Upper Town, ) Ann Arbor, lat June, '-17. ) 'J2,ly Jinn .Irbar THE Subseriber hoving purcheied theunei esis o( 3, M. Rockwell in ihe Marh liusiness, would inform 'e inhnhitnnts of th aml adjoinina counlies. Iba' liewill continue th uusine. s al the oíd 8iand, in tlie Upper 'J'own. near ihe Presbyterian Church. and manufaclure to ordir : Monuments, (írive. Sloncs Paint Slone, Tablets, $c. 8c. Thnse wishinu to obtain nny arlicle n liislino of business will find by calling that be has an aseorlmont uf While and Varregated Morble from the Kastern Marble Quarries, wlnch will be wrought in Modern style, and sold at ensteni prices, adding transportaron only. Cali and get the proof. W. F. Sl'AULDINO. Aun Arbnr. Jan. 30. 18-17. 272 I y ÑEW GOODST Chcap for Cashü THE Subscribers beg leave to nform their oíd customers, and the public gsnerally. thot they are now receiving large and eplendid assortment ol Englisk, American and West India, GOODS, Crockery, SheJf Hardware, Painfs, Oih, Dycstvffs, Drvgs and Medicines. Also a general assortment of IROJV, suitnble for Ironing Wagaons and BuggieH, NailRods. Horse Shoes. and Horse Nails. Sheet I.-on, Tin Ware and Tin Píate - also a general assortment of BOOTS % SHOES, th:ck and tliin sale work, and cu3tom work to suttpurchasers. All ol which they willtellon ihe luwest po68Íble teinisfor Cash or Baktkr. Feelióg conlident ns we do, that we can make it for the interesiof all those wishing to purchase any of the aboye nientioned Goods, we do most earnestly soliiii at lenst an ne(igation ol our Goüds and prices belore purchasiní: elsewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. Vo. 3. Excliange BlockAnn Arbor. l.uvver Town, Sepil 14, 1IS46. 282-tí CLOCKS AND WATCIIES ! trSoJ rTIII E Subscrtberhas jusl fe - - JL received. (and is conyC ljiJs';llll'y receiving) from W 8K -scw York an elegant ar.d f "JbK wo" Be'ected asíoriineni Jewelry, Clocks, Walchcs, &c. &c. wbich h o intsnda to sell as low a6 ai any other establishment lilis sicle ol Buffalo lor rc.ady ]uy oitlij aniong which may be found ihelollow ing: a aood assortment oí Gold Finger Rings. GoldBreaslpins.Wristlets Guard Chains and Keys, Silver Spoons, Germán Silvcr Tea nnd Tnble Spoons (firsi quality.) Sil ver and Germán do Sugar Tongs, Silvcr Salt,Muslard and Creani spoonF, ■ Butter Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold Pens, " ' Pencüs, Silvcr and Germán Silver Thimbles, Silver Speetacles, Gemían and Steel do. Gogglcs, Clothes. Hair and Tonth liruslies, Lalher Jirushes, Razorsand Pocket Knives, Fine She;trs and Sciysors. Knives and Forks, Brittannia Tea Pot and Caslors. Plated, Brass, and Brittania Candlcfiticks, Snuflers & Trays, Sliaving boxesand Soaps, Clinpniiin í Best Raor Strop. Calfand Morocco Wallets, Silk and Cotton purses. Violinp and Bows, Violin and Bass Viol Strings, Flutes, Fifes. Clarionrts. Accordeons - Mnsic Books for the same, Motto Sei!s, Steel Pens and Tweezer8, Pen cases. Snuf)' and Tobacco boxes. Ivory Dressing Combs, Side and Beek and Pocket Combe. Needie cases. Stelcttoes, WaterPaints nnrl I?i nshes, Toy Watclies. a great variety of Oolls. in short tbc irrcatest variety of toys ever brought to this inarket. Fancy work boxes, children's teaseits. Cologne Hair Oils, Rmeiling Salts, Court Piaster. Tra Bells. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Wood Pencila.' BRASS AND VVOOD CLOCKS. Ac. in fact almost every thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cnll and tïxnmino for yourseïves. Ciocks. Watchrs nnd jewelry repaired and warranted on stiort notice. Shop at his old stand, oppositr II. Becker'abrLclE Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wlieoler. CALVTN BUSS. N. B.- Cash pald for old Gold fe Silver. Ann Arbor, ,'uly lst, 1340. 271-ly rpIIE SUBSCRIBER has received his JL winter stock, whicli heofl'ers for Cash, at greatly reduced p."ices. Tlie Public are invited to cali, examine, and judgu for ihemselves. Now on hand, and daily adding. SCFAS of every varieiy nnd pattern, and ilie laiasi raihion, priccs Irom $30 and upwards. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, of al! kinds, frora $1 and up. (.' mie. Jard, Tea, Drcss, Tier, Dining, and Nest Tables. Waeh, Cardle, and Toilet Stands. Bedsteads - Mahoguny, Maple, and Wilntit. froin 2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Pinno Covers ; Piano Stoola. DüuIiIo and single U.itresses of hair, shuck, palm leaf, or turaw. Doublé and single Col Bedsteads. do do Writtng Desks. C1IAIRS. - The beu assortment that can be fouud west oí New York and the eheapest in mis cuy. Windsor Chairs, a good article, at $2 50 the sett. Mahognny French (Chaira, hair pent. n first rate article. and well liniiheil lor $:! 50, Cosh only. Maliognny Hoi.king Chairs, hair seat and back. warranted good, at the low price of $12, lor the cash only. Fiag and Cane Seat froni 6s. and up. lüul ('ages, pliiin and pallery : Uird Glasses, Iobby-Horses, nnd Toy VVheclbnrrows, forchildren ; Patent Shower and Hip Baths ; Boston 3ath Pans, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Hal Stands. Fancy Bellows, Foot Scrapers, Cane íeat Counter and lioat Slools. Curtain material] fobie covers, Patent Post-Oliicc Balances, Picure Fratnes. Willow Wagons, Cradles, Cbairs, Clocks. nnd Baskets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very cheap. .T. W. TILLMAN, No. 87. Jert'j-' onAvenue. Detroit. Jsnuery 1. 1847. 297-ly STEEL GO 0 DS! Putst SfISs mi ÜTrttnm tnfls SPLENDID FANS, ind any quantity of olhor goods of this sort at he OUD MANHATTAN STORE, 317 Detroit. - r _ --s TUF. IVIarried Woman's Private Medical ( onip.iiiii ii. By Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. TROPESSOR Ob' DI8EASES OP WOMEN. [7Vi-r FJilion, ISmn. pp. föO. fmee f I ()().] 25,000 COPIES SOLD IN 3 tfONTlIS. The greal demand lor this most important work (of whicli thousands are sold) has compclled the issue of another editlon. It ia intended eapeejally lor the married, as tt discloses importan: secrete ; wlilch should be known to them particularly.- Ucre every fomale can discover the causes. symptoms, and the most efficiënt remedies and most certain mode of cure,in every compluint to whicli her sex is subject. Marricd fcmuleg will here learn the art wherely they would retain their youth, vigor, beauty, elasticity of body, and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced age, instead of being afflicled, as hund'cds and thousands are, in'O whose hands this book has not yet fallen. It is an important quesnon lo the married why it is that we behold so many married females sickly, debilitated, and prostraleil ? as also the causes; and whetlier they are susceptible of rein edy. They will here find those important matters, connected with difcoveries in medical and physiological science, which meet tbis question. This work is deslined to be in the hands of every wife and mother who has a regard for her nwn heakh and welfare, a we!l ns that of hehusband. T he revelalions contained in lts pages have already proved n bkssing to ihousand?. To those yet unmarried, but contemplating marriage, or, perhaps, hesitutiog asto the pro priety of incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the tnportnnce of being possetsed of the revelations eontnined in lliese intimately involving their future happiness, cannot be appre ciated. It is of course mpossiblc to ronvey more fnlly. in n )ublic journal, ihe varioussubjeels Ireated of. as they ore of a naiure sirietfy iiuendcd for the married or tbose contemplating rnarriaie; nei ther is it necessary, since it is ev?ry one's duty lo beeome possessed of knowledge, whereby the suftVrings to which a wife. a moiher, or a sister may be subject, can bc obviaied. Copies will be sent ly mailree ofpostage. Over ten thousmd copies have been sent by mail within thrte momhs, with perfect safety and certainty. In no case has a remittance foiíed to reach the publisher, or the book those Ui whom it has been directed. On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's Prívale Medical Conip;,ni,.," will bt sent free of postage to any part of ihe United ítates. All lettersmust be addressed (post paid; io Dr. A. M. Máuriceau, Box (24, New York City. rublisluns Office 120 Liberty street, N. York. For saleby all the principal Buoksellers in the United Siates. Agents in Detroii. C. MORSK &SOi; Ypsilanti, K. SAMSON; Ann Arbor. W R. FERRY, Ferry's Bookstore. 27-3m. TE E TH.' TE E TH! J TEETHH! TVT ASTICATION and Articulaiion, 1TX warrantud by their being properlv replaced. S. D. BURNFTT, will continue the practice of DENTI8TRY in all iis various branches, viz : Scalmg. Filling. and Insertingon gold plates or pivote, from one toanemiresett. Oíd pintes or nitsfns remodled. and, made equal to new. OFFICË'over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe ötore, Ladies who request it. can be waited on at their dweliings. ofPRODlteurSUa"ylOWiarldallk'nds Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- tl Peace Declared, AND A TREATY FORSÏÜD, WHEREBY S. FELCH cas hold ''hkk Tkauk and Com.mkkck in BOOTS, SIIOES, JLH,TMTer, anti Findhrgs of all kinis. with all persons, Naiives or Forêtgners, on the following just and equal terms. vi. : rjood Anieles- Luw Priccs-llctit Pui, - and Xo Trust. Thesufascriber having ful ly test ed the Credit System to his great loss. bwh of confidence and cash, and having suffeied much loss by fire necessity compela him to colleet bis piy " brjon harvcst," as "after harvkst and nkxtfai i," veiy oliën come up "mis.sisg." leaving him adbj in the Boot-hole. He has come to the same conclusión that certain sensible girls did on a late occasion, (teeto-tal or no husband, rcady n.y or no Shotmoking ) All persons íhat can conform to the above treaiy will do well lo cali on S. Felch, Ann Arhor, Lnwer Town, No. 4 Hurón IJIock. where they will not be taxed for others' work who never pay. N, B. All persons i ndebted in any way to the subscribir, had beller cali and pay if they are honest and mean to keep so. 2.97f'm, , S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Jan. i, I817. cojustock & seymouk, Dealers in Fancy and Stapte Dry Goods, Boots AND SIIOES, HARDWARE, Cvockery f tiroceries, at No. 3, Porler's Block, South sidc of the Public Square 308 JACKSON, M1CH. e Rcturned . TAIIaORING. ■ ;,;?:. . .=--vs THE Subseriber is desiroue f informina his old custorners and ihe public ;cnenilly" that ie has Iocaied himself oñ Carrier's Corner onhsideof the squerp, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the prese 7i t fas h ion an be done ín a respeciable and prompt maner. S. CUTTING done on the shortest noco and warranted to fit f' properly made up W. WJIKINSON Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 'Álltf Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT is admitted bv all vvho use them, that Piquette's Gold I'ens are equal ifnot superior o :cny ever oflcred in this market, price $2,50 For sale wholesale. and reiail at the nmmnacto V. Corner of Jell'erson Avenue &. Griswold t., Detroit. :14-lyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. OOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDLES O alwnyson hand very cheap at W MAYNARDS TU RES HING Machines. nMUK undersigned would infurní ihe public JL t ha t he manulactures llorse Powers and ('hreshing Machines ut Scio, oi u tuperior kind invenlecl by himself. These Powers and Machines ore particularly id.nptcd lu the i,se of í'arn.eis lio wish to uí ihem ior thresbina their uní jn;in. The power, thresher and fixtures can all be loadtd mío a comnion sized wagon bo.x and diavwi wiih one pair of horses. 'J bey aie dcsigned to he used with four horses. and are ahiindantly. strong ior Uiai number, and may be salely used wilh six or eight norses wiih proper care. They viork wiih less strengih ol liorses according to llic arnoi.nt of business done than any oiher power, ond will thresh genernlly about 'Miü bushels v hfat per iay with four hones. ]n one instante 158 busbels wlieat were threslied in three houra with four horses. Tliis Power and Machine contain all the advantages necessary to make ibem profitable to the purcluser. They are etrong and durable.- They are easily moved from one place to anolher. The work of ihe Sorses is easy on these powers in comparison to otliers, and the price ís LOWKR than any other power and machine, have ever been 6old in the Sinte, according to the real valué. The terms of pnyment will be liberal for notes that re known to he absolutely good. I have a number of Powers and Machines now rendy for sile and persons wishing to buy are invited to cali soon. SEPARATORS. I am pre pared to make Scparators [or those who rnay want them. The utility and advaniages of this Power and Machine will appear evident to all on exoinïfling 'he recommendations below. All persons are cauiioned neainst makirie ihese Powen and Machines: the unde-signcd having adoptcd the neccssary nieasures for sectl . ring letters patent for the aame within the uni# required by law. S. W. FO8TER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 134G RECOMMENDATIONS. During the year 1845, each of ;he undersigned lurcliiiscd and used either indi victually or jointly tfilh oihers. one of S. W. Fosier'g newly invented Horse Powers and threshing machines, ind helieve they are beller adiipttd to the use of Farmers who wnni Powers and Machines for their own use than any other power and threshur within oor knowledo. Th y are calculated 10 be used wiih iour horses and are of ampie strengih for that Tiumber. They appear to he jonsiructeii in such a tnnnner as to render tl;em very durnble wilh linie liabiliiy of getting out ol jrder. 'Iheyare eisily moved from one place [o another. They can be tvorked wilh any niim:ier of hands from four to light, and will ihresli ihout 200 hnahels wheai per day. J. A. POLUKMUS, Scio. VVashtenaw co. G. BLOOD, " ' n T. RICriARDSOJV, " " SAMUKL rKALY, " 3. P. FOSTER, " N. A. PIIELPS, ' " ADAM SMITU, " m J M. liOWKff. J,in„. WM. WALKER. Webster, " THOS WARREN, " ' 1). SMALLEY, J.odi. ♦ I threshed Inst fall and winier w.lh one of S. W. Fomer'8 horse powers. more than filirrn [housand bushels grain. The repairs bestowtri npun tíe power nmounted to only tents. and 11 was ui goud oider wben I had done threshing. 1 invariably uted fix horp8. AA RON YOUNGLOVK. Marión. June 6, 1SI(. I piirclrised one of S. W. Foster's horpe powers last fail and have used it for jabbiBfc. I have used inany different kinds of powers and believe this is the best running power I have everseen. D. g. BENiNET. Homburg. June, 1810. We purchiised one of S. W. Foster's Hore Powers last (dl, and have used tand think it is a íirst rale Power. .IFPSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 18-1G. 2G9 tf COUIV, R E k WIIEAT. WANTED bytlie subscriben, 10,000 hiishels oi ( o n - ID.Oi .( b'ueheltof Rve, md (1.00) bushelti ol Uh-jni. dclivired at the Steam ftjill. for which Cush will be psid 1NGALLS. LAMB, & FJSHFR. Ann Aibor, Jan. 4, 18-47. 2:t8-:f. FOR SALE CHEAP.for CASH, or every kind of cour. tiy Produce, Saddles, BridJes,Harness, Tnmks, Valises, Trunk Valites, Carpct fiags, -c. Also a ooou aísonmenl oí Wmr & í..snra, whicli will be sold very low, and no miet.-ikc. ;i t eOOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, Au}fuatJ2, 1846: SJTT-tf CHEAF STOVES AT YPSlLANTl! 1 9ÍÍ COOK1NG &PARLOR STOVES, ■ " justreceived, by the Sufeccriber, (irosily from Albany) niaking a good a;sorinient of the Iatest and best palterns. which will br told at Lnw Priees! not to bc undersold this Lake Erie! Also, Copper Furniture, CauIJron Ke::lts, Hollow Ware of all s zes, Slove Pipe, Sheel Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE.' Manufactnred, and consiantly kept on hand wiiieh will also b! sold very lov. S. - Purchaseió t:;Ü Jo well to cali and ixaiiiinebr their own eatlblaotinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti, June 20, 1846. L7jt FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERJNG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZIJG, rNT thelower end of the White Iilock. direcily opposile the Michigan Exchakgk, have on liand a larfre assnrtment of FVKNITURE, of Iheir own manulaoture, which ihey wili geil verv 'ow for Cash. They also keep experienc.d Upholsterers. and are preparad lo do all kinds of Upholslering al the shortest notice. Fnrniture of all kinds made to order of ihe best material, and wairnnted. STEVENS & 7.VC. Detroit. .Tanuary, 1, 1847. C07-1y 1 CLARK, Atlorney and Counsellor, V. aml Jus:ice oft he Peaco. Court Hoiiíe Ann rbor ''MM BA a2SMJTHSr TÖÖLS". " 4 KMITAGE Mouse Hol" Anvils. " Wright's" dü_ C oitercl Keyed Vieee. West'sbestKellows. 30 to 3( inchess. Sledges, Hand Hammen, Files and Ra?ps of every kind, can be found at tlie Iron Store, sign of the Big Anvii. B HEN'RV W. WELLES. nn Aroor. Jan. 10, 1647. 298-ly BRIGHT and Black Log Chaios. .5IO.6IO.7.)6r&8.](iwSrapPing 'do. Straight and twisted link Trace do Hnlier d ' vilFUpSTownCheaPatlhCSi'gnorilieB'n. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor. Jan. 10, 1847. 2i)8-ly ROWLAND'S best Mül Saws, 6, 6J and 7 feet. ' land-e best X Cut Saws, (!, B, and 7 feet. t-nglish C. S. P,t Saws. fij „nd 7 feet. hupenor Amenean Mili Saw Kilos. 10 to 16 in Sr iï:::le ihe f á ï ft HENHY W. WELLES Ann Arbor, Jan. J0, lbM7 ''J8-ly


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Old News