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Charles E. Stuart

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The Delroit Advertiser and Jiickson Gazette speak of this man, now a candidate for Congress in the Second District, ns a "Slavb Catcher." We know not personally tlie truth. of this accusalion ; but t is said that he was counsel to the vufïïans whose nefarious designs were lately frustrated near Cassopolis. If so, we consider tliis a most significant indication oí c'.aracter. We know that grent latitude in a-sisting villains and wicked men is allowed by public opinión to meinbers of the legal profession ; but are ihere not some limils lo !his license ? We know that several respectoble members of the Detroit bar have been soliciled to act os aids to slave-otchers, but they had such a sense of propriety, or justicf, or such a regard for their repulation, that thcy positively refusetl. No man who abhors slave CTtching can eonsistently support a man for office who will prostituta his abilitics and knowledge lo act as the aider and nbelter of the human bloodhounds. All services rendered lo slavecalchers are voluntary ; and every freeman of this Statr?, wlio is guilty of helping thein, should liave infixod upon him by public op'nion, a brand ófinfamy as decp and ineffaceablö as tliat vvhich wasburrn into the hand of the philanthropic Walker by the Marshil ff the United S.a!es. If we must hnve the dcle.Db'e lrihe of sl.ive-calchers prowling throug't ihe Siate in searcli of iheir prey, lel iliem be of foreign growtli. But let us not encourage them aniong ourselves by bestowing upon them emolumen', cdice and honor. OI? The Grand Rivnr Eigl', sotne mohths since commenced tlio cam)nign for Gen. Tnylor fur President hy rai.sit g u's name. at the liend of its columns nccompanied bv Uie picture of a terrib'e ooking cnnnon, in the act ofdischarging its contents. This was displayed probab'y to remind the rea ier of his celebrated injunction - " A liltle more grape, Captain Bragg." After alittle, ihe c: nnon not proving to be jiist tlie thing, a national flng was subítituted in its placo. By a late numberofthe paper, o perceive that the Editor lias now taken down the name of Taylor fur the purpose as he says, of elevating the Whig Siate ticket in ita pl&OÖ. The pretence is easily seen ihrough. The dnys of Tnylor'tpopularity ns a national candidate have; gone by. The name of J. W. Gordon, now Whig candidate ftr Congress, had been elevated for Vice President, in connexion with Taylor's, bnt he shares in l he downfall of his principal. Thos-e Liberty men, if tliere be any, who intend tu vote for Gordoü as an anlislavery man, may see froBl his connection with this nomination of Taylor, how mucli .obaütionism he is supposed by Taylor enterlain. If a man be known by the company he keeps, what must be the antislavery character ofa man who voluntarily permita his name to be connected wilh that of the large and notorious, unrepenting Slaveholder, Gen. Taylor? flj0 The Ilillsdale Address was received during our absence last week, too Inte Cor insertion in that iHÍmbcK of the paper. But its nrguments and positions are not unsensontiblr, being as appropriate to the futuie as 1o the present.


Signal of Liberty
Old News