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Liverpool dates to the 19ih October represent the gi ai n market s declining. Liverpool papers quote test western canal flour at 26 shillings, and Ingtn corn at 30s. The corn market is ofcoürse sensibly influenced by the unparaleüed slringencyofthe rtionny tnarkeh All shows a genernl detílino, particularly in quotations in inferior pareéis. Indian corn has depreciated frotn 2d to Sd per qt, afid meal hd3 also receded in valué, and is in very lirhitëd demand. The disastrous monetarv press ure corded in our lnst advice?, has during' the last fortnight continuëd lo rage with unabated severity ; involving several additional failUresj and infusing a dcep, impenetrable gluom fliroUghout t lie whole commercial community of Öredt Britnin. To sudh A point of niénsity has the inacdessibility of rrioncy naV firrived, that there is scarcely ono rioilse that can be louked upori without suspicion, no matter höw exalted its position, tvhilé n feelingof untnitigatéd anxiety is evei'ywhere perceptible. Yesterday it aá announced that the Roydl Bank of Liverpool had been compellcd tosuspend payment, whioh proved too correct - In the present universal confusión ár.d alarm, it can well be conceived how deeply manufacturing operations have been afTecledj and büsinës's appears to be quite at a stand still, without the sliglitest prospect of a reaction. Although good orders are stated to' bé held by many fiims, jet in the present prostratidn of monetary affiiirs, they abstain from' execuiing thém, indeed, (hó pressu'rö of rríoney has beerí so great that sales have been forced fbr cash at pricës considerable below ordinary quotations. Thè money rnarket confinues most stringent, hut the Lundon pnpers of lnst night indiifge hopes of a partial restoratiotiofease - owing io thècircumstances oía heavy payment on tho Consol settlement- thè 10,000,000 loan aírd thè advancès from the Bank havíng been complèted last week. Wè may avoid fariher examiftation by stating thnt altogèther 55 houses have broken down or suspended payment since the departure of the last steamer. The Cantón of Luzerne is in n stato of insurrection, also thoso of Frybourg, anc! thé districts of Romont, Grugêre, and the Valley of Magerny. The Cantons dömand the expulsión' of the Jesuits. Thé Freflch sqütólron' was still béforö Naples on the first. It s saidf in prívalo letters ihftt the reforméis of Naples had divided thomselves in(o 3: columns- the first división is caïled the Legión of Death, and forrrï-' ed the advanced guard, commandecT b'y Louge Cero - the centre is commanded by Romeo tvlio has seized iTpon Mar-' giana, a largO depot of a'rms arrd munitions of war. The renr guard is ander the command of Petind. The insurgents in Abrazz'es have abnndoned hècii and reiuined to the mourrtains in imitalion of those of Reggio. hissaid that Navaire is in rebellion, ahdtroops are assemblèd cotnmandöd by Garon Safra. The government of Luzerne bjrnöd 2urich, and oihers cantons, and are ;arnestly engaged n military preparátions ih view of a cfiticál situation of afTairs. A majority of Cantons have agreed to Seftd in front of the Federal army, coinmissiüneri a la Triste, who are to use their utmost eflbrts to bring ábout a conciliation and prevent if possible a hostile colliSioH. The arrny will await the resuít of their pbwerful endeavors. If unsuccessful it will instantly cross the river.


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