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Catholic Passionist Priests and Brothers Attend Cookout, August 1965

Catholic Passionist Priests and Brothers Attend Cookout, August 1965 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 11, 1965
Priests Enjoy Cookout Priests and brothers of the Catholic Passionists wait for some unholy smoke to clear before enjoying a reunion cook-out at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Starwas, 2300 Gale Rd., Superior Township. From left to right are Father Vernard Ormechea, Brother Kevin O'Malley, Father Marion Weiss, Brother Eduardo Alosa, Father Peter Berendt, Father James Basham, Father David Kohne, Father Aloysius Hoolahan and Father Blaise Czaja. Tending the grill is Father Bernard Curran.

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