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Scenes At Washington

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Thn scones r'CP'itly emicted nf t!ie Nntion'8 rnp itol, onghr to out country fpim her long N'atinnnl shimber. Tt speuks in n voico of thnnderl lnay the paopln henr ! It fthmild hf kipt befo ra thw public mind, thiit, nt tlin Cnpitl, honored by tlin Humo nf tho Fatlier of this R")n)ilic, on grouml wliich shouh! lm consecnited to Iiherty. BCMHt hnv lec;i trnnsnctrd uithin the lust few weeks whirh shonIJ limnu with elmnip tho cheek ofevrry Ainoiican citizon, nnd canse hiin to deplm-e tlie cnrtSistency of a Government tbnt procliiims Liberty nn 1 equality. while witli rjtliless hnnd it grnsps the cliil Iren of onr own poil, an.l thrusts tliein info prisiiDff, Irni'liig tliein with irotiB. for even diiiingto ttein)t the seciirity of llieir own fn-edom. And in iny of onr leiiding men, ní if not SBtisfied with tnimpliox upon tliein, encourHge the inoh in eoininitfiiiK rioteiice on the siicred liberty of the Ptpss. Will tho pi'opio not Inok to theii-ights? Will they m)f cuín fitrwntd willi a det riuinntion to redess these grievimc.s ! We 1110 confiilent tlmt the time is Bot fiir distunt (hik] such events will liaMrn its nppronch,) whnn thf peopl of this niition will speuk at the ballot l.ox, nnd in nimmer too, thnt ih:ill lc lieiu-d, and f. It. Dr. Bnüey't deportmmit throughout thn tv hole nflUii1 luis lieon admirable; nnc) tvill do mncli, tnwnnd giviiij; the principleR hendvocates pnivpertto every cundid rnind. Who pim palliate the incontistvnt course of gome of tlie most corrspicnoiis ineinb rs of o.,r nntioiml council. whin in the Hall riedicnted to lüipity, where tho rchn of the coiiir.itiiliitioMs fo Pninco fui1 asseitintf her fremlom, 11 id sciircely died uwny, wlieu the tvluiln imtion is jnyous O'i thn orcHsion, mid our foreijjti nlly in t!ie iiiuuificncp of her iets, gloriouslv responrlii by strikini; ofT ihe clinins froin three hunditul thuusiuid tliVHS, conrertinj; chuttels intn huin.n heines, merchiin lizn into intMi. Whnn the whole world is wnitinx witli iinxifly. for th closinj; scène of the Aristocrutic 11 id dugpotic dyiiasty of Kiirope - we Rsk iiiin, who enn p;illire the course of men, who are fiumt rmiilv tn l.iy aside their di;nify nnd the honor of the Rntinn. by pncouiaging mol) violence, Hiid Jvocating tho system of Sluvery in ira inost hide0ci9 fiinn .' lo the debutes in tho Sonnte ( pnrtof which we give on our first and lourth pagos) drawn out by these circiimstances, Jolin P. Hale has acq'iilted )ii;nself with il;gnity, snd talent, which do him credit, nnd confirma the confiünce reposad in him. A torrKnt of de'iuuciíitiuti. invective, añd abuse, wme po red out npon him, but true to his trust, lm .lid nut fiilter. ■ He luis bearded the Lioii in his d ii." itmi l'eurlesslv adv..ciited the cause of rialit. Truly (lio ruHiitle of John Q. Adama, has fallen upon the sons ot' New England.