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The Columbian Magazine For 1848

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A Repositm-y uf llif Chota1! Arnericnn Litirutwc, Kntirely Original, nud of l._ bm-sI (.'wtly Naliuud F.uibellidi)'i-'ati. Tbs ('o'uTi.líiíin Maffiuine tuWre uur. a aw _err w!ih proopr'v.'i uci'wuiingiy lriLf)ji nuil pruiniíing. 1; has m urond 'position t:i tb; publía estimolioii. [ts sneer, ín pite "i formidable rhnlrv nuil uppuattieu. and witti'iit tLr itiii oflurgp prxrtnja ;ín! ipecrOus tjpeals, lu ('i-moMHitaTtN.] tbat tUa Anurimii .;.-;.iao rightly hppivciatetl tita jhíik i ■■' íhn fXJtnmi'nccmuut of the énterpríse imd coutiuucíl to theprt;i(ii t time - of rKRroRMif..; rather than piumw'np. 'l'lií press iinivcr.ii]ly, nuil witha peurous kiiidue, which tlie Proprietof gmtèfiilly ncknowledgos, Iihk boruc lestimony to the superiority nf it literatura and llr pro fusión niid rlegsqca of ita euibellUlunenU ; wbil !l immense md constantiy incrrahig rirculation ibows tliat the piess lias but uttered llie Kcaejsl sentiment, Hud afford aucb áreable evidence tlint it has met the expeetation of all thai il eeetoi to tlio l'ulilirlier alinost unnrcnsary to sicük ofthe future. Still th(; fríenoi of the Colnmbinn Magazine have a í'igbt lo know liow far their liberal patronage lia stiniul;ileil the l'ublishci' tö yet furlhcr exertions. The best uformution on tilia subject will be Obtnined for the suecessive number of tho present nnd future volumes. - Stíll the ï'ublicilier w oulti May. - ticliljcrately, nnd with a íiill coDSciouinesfl of llie extent of The H'omisc - Tho Columbian sbnll henceforth lie tlie besi Magazme ofit cliiss in the Uniteil States. Toeftect ihis, ari-aiigrment ;ire alrendv made Buch ís ouív an adequate acquainttance with untliora ánd artista, enliirgeu expwriejice in the cöriducl of ihu the euterprise nnd ampie capital COtltd Bren f. Subscribe mny ex])cct, iu t!ie new relimo, a erirs uf engraviua ninerior to any thiog vet providíd by any magazine pnliliriied in America. This is no empty ajsnrance. Tlie thing símil be dono. At whatever cost, tho CorÓmbiaU shall distanca evevy com)Ctitor in tlüs respect. It cannot be necesaary tn gay mich of thc btrrnry department of tlie Cohimbian. The gentlemen vvho hare ao Ion? anl nalisfactorilv 'liscbai'L'O'i that duty continué llu'ir í'ffiuient services, and tlie 1'ublÍBber ib happy to aunounce that tliey have made ari aiiïements wWi veral of the ra-ist distingnished writers in this country, whose regular coutribntioni will ctirich tlie Macrnzine; wtiile. ? heretofore, the merit of au articln, quire os much as the (ame ol its writer, will bo ihe passport to ita pages EUevated penthneut nnd uie moiality will dUtinguihed uil liternture of the Olnmbian Magozine. - l'ublislier eiiamerafes, with bonest and gmtrl'ul pride the following contribotovi : Mrs. L. I! SigDOruey, Mr. S:ir,-i'.i I'. Jaulón, Mis. C. W. Kirhlantf, Mrs. Suwui 0. U. Tli'u'n, Mrs. Aun S. Stevens, Mi-s Anu Slotnan, Mr. L. M. 'Jliild, Mis., Kate Sutheiland .Mrs. F. S. O.-o. .,1, M!m Mary M. C Mn E. C. Ein'rniry. Min A. D. Woüdbriii Mra. viaiv B. Ilevvrit, Mica Grace Qii;euv7ood, M.s. E. R. Bteele, Miss F. D. Edgeworth. Mr. E. C). Smitl), Misa Martba Russell, Mrs. A. O. Mowatt. Miss Funny Foreter, Mrs. E. F. Ellet, Mias C. M. Sedgwick, Mrs. M. Si. Leem Loud, Mis Hauivjh F. GoiiM, Mrs. Jumefl Hall, MfSfl Mary Tj. Iuv3on, Mrs. (,. H. Ruller, Miu M. G. Quiiicy. iVlis. Anna Snltna, Min Iibel locety, Mts. (.'. Loaisn il. Miiln, Min Anpustü Brown, Mrs. Lytlia June Ptenoo( Miss Mary F. Nohle, Mrs, y. (i. Bieeper, AuthorofSumtDcrKroliA'g .VI i's. Jdieph C. Neal, Miss Kmily Arncj. Miss KWzn C. Hnrley, Willmin Cox, M:-s . Bktckwéll. ' .IsiiK-a F. Oti, Miss Annie MidtilotoUr Samuel D. PattcrspQj Miss I'anny FieeUind, Rn'ien L. Wade. Mi=s Sarah II, Jenckes, Bilwárd S. GouiJ, Mr. J. K. VsuWñg, Beba Smith, Win. C. Brymit, C. DrimlJ McLeod, Fitz Gieonc Halleck, Rev. F. C. Woodworlb, EJar A. Poe, Josepli Bougbton, John Nefll, Rev. J N. [).uif'arth, Flenry V. I.-ibert, Williitm Walluce. H. HoitingaWeU, Uov. Thomas C. Umi, Park Bi'iijimin, BnsilOrnioiid, T. S. Arlhiir, (.'. C. Cot, M. T. Tucliennan, Charles McLanghlin; G. reuno Huffman, J. H. Mineur, Theo. 8. Fav, Alred f!. Streel, i: ■■. Wi!km Keiulull, Heury I!. Iiii'bt, H. P. Grattnn, T. B. Read, Henry S, Sclioolcmft. Rii'bard G. Vhito. Thereís yet anotiierdc-partmont. for theinirtroveraent of wliicli the PublUher hnamado nc-.v nrrangemanta ou a liberal 8tile. Tiie paper on whicli the Coluinbjan ill liereatter be priuted, is msnufuctured expresaty for thc parpóse, by oie of the lurgest nnd most hií;hly esteemed maken u the tJuion, nnd the typography will be o( proportioiiate nomines- and e1egnnc6. The J'ulilislier respectt'ully solicita froni oulhors, RrtLste, nzbwrjbera and Hgcutg, :i contiiuianae of ihe confidence hitlicilii sn fffn rally nwarded i lie Mazazine. - As un eaniesl oftlie libemlity witli nrhicii he iuiends to couduct tliat deparlment of ihe work. he has propared. :it a Ini-gc ontlav, a mafínificent l'ull lenstb pnrtrait of Washington, price two dollars, in slippie aml niezzotiui. whioli will be presented, gfatis, freo of postdge, to (v.-ry yearly snbscriber lo the Columbiau Magttzñle, who will sont to the Pablishor threo i'.ollars in advance - i.slac It i.s mi engraviiig if siich superior iiiLM it, and llic subjfct is of such profouiul and abiding interest, tliat lie camiat doubt that the gift will highly gratify tbe reeeiver, and largely svvell iho list ofhia sub seHbers He kiinexes, alín, the Sillowing nnusually liberal terms oí publicatioo ; it beiug aniier6tood that the tulscriptiuns are in cash : For the Magazine nnd Engraving r.f Waíhinfrton, $3,00 Kor two copies of the Magazine and the Engraving wiih each, ...."". 500 For ñvo copies do do do 10.00 For ei gbt copies do do do. 15.00 For Uvrlve copies dn do do 20,00 Persons denring specimens, wiU be supplied 011 applicniicHi tr the Pnbfiaher, x C?" Editors who m.iy c 'py thU prospectus entire, in tbeir papers, nnd send a copy marked with irik, addrossed to the pnbliMi'.-r. M lsj furuished with the Magazine ibr oue vt'ir, Addrea1