Alarm Lock
An ingenióos Yankee has invented a machine whioh is destined to come into universal use. It consists of the attachment of a chenp, simple and durahlo alarm to a lock of almost any description, so arrangpd as notto interfere in anv respect with tlie action of the lock, and so connerted with the bolt, that the lattercannot be withdrawn, or even tliu attempt made without giving an alarm, at once distinct and suflicu'nt to awaken any person in the vicinity and whicli rnay be distinctly heard at the distance of 20 or 25 rods. The expense of tliig lock is Ãjo more than those in use, and it can be apphed to the cum mon locU : the improvemont wili no doubt be soon applied to almost every lock that is manufactured. [Farmer and Mtchanic] [["7" Fourtoen wagons, drawn by altnostone hundred oxen, arrived this morning from Mineral Point, loadud wilh lead. Tliey contained altogetlier 912 pigs, oran aggregate of 66,576 pounds of lead, to he shippcd E ast from tliis place. Seven more wagons for the same purchaser, are expected to-night. [Mihvaukie Wisconsin, 23 J.] Ey It is said that William Howitf, and liis accomplished wife, Mary Howitt, contemplated leaving England, and tak ing1 up ilieir reiidence in the West. They have liad relativcs in Ohio for many year, His connectlon with snme London MagazinGS lias involved him in bankruptcy at the age of 54. [Cincinnati Gazette.] S3P Major Williiun Teil Poussin, the new ly appointed Representativa of the Frcnch Republic at Washington, was formerly in the Engineer service of the United States. [Pittsburg Journal. ty The locks on the Erie canal are each ninely fcet in length, and fifteen in breadth, and have an average lirt of eight feet two inchc9. The total rise and fall is six hundred and ninety-tvvo feet. I â EP The N York Tribune oflöth inst says, the Lewis County Bnnk Bills are again I deemed at the Agoccy in that city and are sidered good. The Hon. Jas Alf-ed Pearce has beon ro-elncted to tlio U. S. Señale for six years from the 4th of Mareh ncxt.