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Why General Cass Was Nominated

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We have already furnUhed proofs of the reasons wliy Seneral Taylor was nominated as a Presidential eandidate at. the Philadetyhia Convention. Jugttee and imparriality require, that we should addiree some evidence of the reasons that governed in the nomination oí Cass. The foüowing frotn the Richmond (Va.) Whig, aud the Charleston (S. C.) Mercnry, (the one once the organ of Clayism, the other of Calhounism, bath of which have reeently hoisted the Taylor fiag,) will sufficiently explain not only win the South voted for'CRSs, but why Cass himself wrote the letter he did', abandoning the Wil mot Proviso. The Kichmond Whig, after, among other things, styling tlie Letter of General Cass, in relation to the Wilmot Hroviso, an " electioneering" oue, thus remarks : - " Concurring entirely in the sound views which he presents on the subject, we have only tn repeat our regret that 'he voted for the Wilmot Proviso at the session before last of Congress, that at the last session he announced in a long aad elabórate speech, hit contimied adherence to the principies embodjed in it. If Senator Cass had accounted for lus sudden change of opinión, by citinfl some argument against the Proviso which had uot been previously addressed to him in vain, our confidence m the integrity of bis motives and 10 the sincenty of his conversión would have been much greater than it is, or than, m.der exuting circumstances, it can possibly be.- We cannot for the life of us. conceive how it M ChatiM hai .ntly lan (-ohvi„Ued f th error of his oíd opinión, and becomc all ut once so vory olear and decided in his convictions of that error, by tlie use of argumenta, which have nothing oí the charm tlio ('orce of novelty to recommend tliem, and which were atíirst, and for more ihan twelve months, powerless n sati&fy himself of the unconstitunonaïïty and danger of Mr Wilmot's proposiion ! We bes; to say, however, that we do not regrot üial ha lias taken this course. - Ün tlie cositrary, we are glad to toe that the vple of the Soutii is yet influential enough to convinco certahi gentlemen of the mpolicv of' assailing her, when iii1 other arguments fuil to produce that effect." The Charleston Mnrc'jry alto takes a very plulugophical view of these movuments among Northern politicians. It says : " The approach of this mighty struggle for tpoila - tlie Presidential election - and tlie disastrous defeat which awaits the Democratie partv, in that great contest, unless tlie Norlh and South can be united, have brought forth a letter i'rom Mr. Buchanan, a S])eech (rom Mr. Dallas, resolutions in the Senate f rom Mr. Dickinson, and within the last few days, a lelter a frotn General Cass." At the last State Convention, held by the Democrats of Virginia the following are among ;lin Resolutions aaopted : Resolved. That this Convention heartily regponds to ihe noble resolutions of the Alabaina Stü'e Jt-inon-atic Convcstioii. and wii! "under no politica! necessity whateyer" support, itlicr tor the Presidency or Yice Presidency, :, iv person v!io ghall not le the firm and a vowed opponent of any plan or doctrine which in any wav interferos with the right of cinzens oianv one State to possess and enjoy all their property in any territory which may be ac ()Uireil by the Union, as fully, completely and securely, as citizens of auy other Stats (hall enjoy theirn - except so lar as that, being unrilling to disturb the Missouri compromise, wu are content with adherence to lts principies. The proceedings of the Baitimore Conven tion show t fiat Virginia redeemed lier pledge, The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury, the same nríin already quoted froin, wiiich represent the South upan the subject of the Wilmot Proviso, and whicli properly represents it, as inay he seen by advortinp to the ]fgiiative rosoluuons of Virginia and y her States on this bubject, snys in one of its manifestoes - "The Wilmot Proviso is Abolitionism in the most Jángeroua form, it has appmired, ;md if it is not now met, resisted and defeated by irompt cornpromise and se'tlement on the Missouri Ikisi, it wil! end in the ulter ruin of the SlaveliolJers or compel thenti to resistance hereafter liy tho Sword."