Free Soil Meeting
We, the uudersigned, citizetis of Büttle Creck anJ vicinity, having a strong desire to peipetuato Freedom in the Temtones of tlie United .States where it now existe ; being, as we are, oppoeed to the extensión of Siavery in nnv way I and iinder wha.ever prtrtext, witlnn tliose Tervtories lvinr North or Soutli of tlie Missouri corapromiêe line, ndopted as an expedient mea sure n the admission of Missouri into the Union ; and especia!! v diiring ;it llie present time no more compromisos of . the kind, bnt being i opposed tu tlie exit nsion of Slavery over j ritory now free ; and, believing tliat we hold I these sentiineiils in comrnon wiih a largo i jority of tiio people of tlie K:i8t, North, and We?r, . e desire to meet our i'eüow citizens, without distmctnm f partij. ?j tnpatliizing witli ns, at tlie Scl;c il Room in llio Baptist church, in tli; villwge of Battle Crer-k, on Saturd-iy ihe Ã9th, instunt, it 7, o'clock, P. M. C Cady W C Rowley D Cady Geo W Hyatt O Moffiitt V P Collier H 15 Denman R R Osgood (Jhandlur Ford F S Glarft W H Coleman Charles Knights John L Bolkcom James Hutchinson CÃia's M Leon S S Nicliols Ãciiuyler Goff Charles Cooley A VVhitComb George C Hogers .lames M Simons Cha's L Bird A L Clark à Magowo Simeón S French J A Blackman D V Stone 1-evi Dodge S V McCrea T R Harrigon David VanArman Waterman Wilcox tiêuben White J C Watters N Hobart F Gage J G Spaight John Callahan V II Gilles O E Merrill 15 H Gilles G F Smith G W M'Cam'.y Reuhen Pw Waker W W'oolnougliJames W Pugsley JO Duugherty Silas Cox E rast u 8 Hussey N Kenyon 1) F Graves P S Rawson 1 C MoU. F MSanderson C C Teers L B Clapp L H Brinkerhoff J A Bniley E C Blount W H Rice Edward Cox W üumphrey J S Downs Henry Cantino John Culdwell W M Wuston S W Dodge J A Jacobs Albert Whitcomi ' O Williams E Preston S C Merrill James Preston H J Cuthman Aluert Preston E T Mott J.iseph Kirby Erastus Fisher Stephen Barber A T Norton John M'Lcan John W Smith
Free Soil Party
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
C. Cady
D. Cady
Orlando Moffatt
H. B. Denman
Chandler Ford
W. H. Coleman
John L. Bolkcom
Charles M. Leon
Schuyler Goff
A. Whitcomb
James M. Simons
A. L. Clark
Simeon S. French
D. W. Stone
S. W. McCrea
David VanArman
Reuben White
N. Hobart
C. G. Spaight
W. H. Gilles
E. H. Gilles
G. W. M'Camly
Walter W. Woolnought
E. Dougherty
Erastus Hussey
Benjamin F. Graves
I. C. Mott
C. C. Teers
L. H. Brinkerhoff
E. C. Blount
Edward Cox
W. C. Rowley
George W. Hyatt
V. P. Collier
R. R. Osgood
F. S. Clark
Charles Knights
James Hutchinson
S. S. Nichols
Charles Cooley
George C. Rogers
Charles L. Bird
E. Magown
J. A. Blackman
Levi Dodge
T. R. Harrison
Waterman Wilcox
J. C. Watters
F. Gage
John Callahan
O. E. Merrill
G. F. Smith
Reuben Pew
James W. Pugsley
Silas Cox
N. Kenyon
P. S. Rawson
F. M. Sanderson
L. B. Clapp
J. A. Bailey
W. H. Rice
W. Dumphrey
J. S. Downs
John Caldwell
S. W. Dodge
Albert Whitcomb
E. Preston
James Preston
Albert Preston
Josephy Kirby
Stephen Barber
John McLean
Henry Cantine
W. M. Weston
J. A. Jacobs
O. Williams
S. C. Merrill
H. J. Cushman
E. T. Mott
Erastus Fisher
A. T. Norton
John W. Smith