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Free Soil Meeting

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We, the uudersigned, citizetis of Büttle Creck anJ vicinity, having a strong desire to peipetuato Freedom in the Temtones of tlie United .States where it now existe ; being, as we are, oppoeed to the extensión of Siavery in nnv way I and iinder wha.ever prtrtext, witlnn tliose Tervtories lvinr North or Soutli of tlie Missouri corapromiêe line, ndopted as an expedient mea sure n the admission of Missouri into the Union ; and especia!! v diiring ;it llie present time no more compromisos of . the kind, bnt being i opposed tu tlie exit nsion of Slavery over j ritory now free ; and, believing tliat we hold I these sentiineiils in comrnon wiih a largo i jority of tiio people of tlie K:i8t, North, and We?r, . e desire to meet our i'eüow citizens, without distmctnm f partij. ?j tnpatliizing witli ns, at tlie Scl;c il Room in llio Baptist church, in tli; villwge of Battle Crer-k, on Saturd-iy ihe Ü9th, instunt, it 7, o'clock, P. M. C Cady W C Rowley D Cady Geo W Hyatt O Moffiitt V P Collier H 15 Denman R R Osgood (Jhandlur Ford F S Glarft W H Coleman Charles Knights John L Bolkcom James Hutchinson Cíia's M Leon S S Nicliols Öciiuyler Goff Charles Cooley A VVhitComb George C Hogers .lames M Simons Cha's L Bird A L Clark Ë Magowo Simeón S French J A Blackman D V Stone 1-evi Dodge S V McCrea T R Harrigon David VanArman Waterman Wilcox tiêuben White J C Watters N Hobart F Gage J G Spaight John Callahan V II Gilles O E Merrill 15 H Gilles G F Smith G W M'Cam'.y Reuhen Pw Waker W W'oolnougliJames W Pugsley JO Duugherty Silas Cox E rast u 8 Hussey N Kenyon 1) F Graves P S Rawson 1 C MoU. F MSanderson C C Teers L B Clapp L H Brinkerhoff J A Bniley E C Blount W H Rice Edward Cox W üumphrey J S Downs Henry Cantino John Culdwell W M Wuston S W Dodge J A Jacobs Albert Whitcomi ' O Williams E Preston S C Merrill James Preston H J Cuthman Aluert Preston E T Mott J.iseph Kirby Erastus Fisher Stephen Barber A T Norton John M'Lcan John W Smith