IYC Commissioner Speaking to AAUW
IYC commissioner speaking to AAUW
Carol Tice will speak to the Ann Arbor Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) on "The International Year of the Child: Conclusions and Perspectives" at 9:45 a.m. Thursday at the Ann Arbor Women's City Club. A coffee precedes the program at 9:15.
Tice will share her experiences as a member of the U.S. Commission on the International Year of the Child, which is now completing its report for a March presentation to President Carter.
She is coordinator of the Ann Arbor Public Schools Teaching-Learning Communities program and an AAUW member.
For further information on the program, members may contact AAUW vice president Ingrid Sheldon at 655-5893. Babysitting arrangements are available.