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Louis Napoleon

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As this individual occupie9 nt presen, a very conspicuous place in the public eye, a sketch of his history will not be unacceptable. Tlie following is from ihe English correspondent of the New York Courier and Inqirirer: Charles Louis Napofeon is the son of Louis Bonaparte, ex-king of Holland, and Hortense Beauharnais, daughterof Josepliine, by lier first husband. He was born in the spring of 1806, and is con3equently now in his 41 st year. Upon the restoration in 181ñ he fled with his mother first to Augsburg, then to Smrzerland. His mother had purchased the Chateu of Arenenburg, in the Cantón of Thupgan, and it was there he received bis early education. Ia 1S30 liis family hopcd that they would at last be permitted to return to France. They were disappointed, and he and li i s brother proceeded to Italy and tooli part in the important revolutionary movements of that year. Ii several engagements they sustained the honor of their name. The brother died at Forli from disease conlracted in the service, and Louis Napoleon himself feil dangerously ill. His motiier repaired to his bedside at Acona ; and as soon as they were able to tiavel they left Italy, and in March, arrived incognito in Paris. Hortense requested permissie? to remain till her son's lieakh should be íestored. It was refused, and they reiurned to Arenenberg, where he devoted himseli to the preparations of the press for his "Literary and Poütical Co:sidenuions upon Svvitzerfand." 1 his work procured tor him the honor oí citizenship froin ihe Helvetic Republic. In 1844 he received the commission of Captain in the Swiss service. In 1835 he publisbed " A manuel of Artillery for Swiizerland." - During his military residence in Bernc lie had imimate relations with several F ranch officers, particular)}' with Colonel Vaudrcy. It was with (his gentleman that he concerted his first revolutionary movement as pretender to the French crown. Ridicule and a piison, instaad of glory and a throne, were the result of the day at Strasboúrg, (October 30th, 1S3G.) He was arrested, conducted to I'aris, whence in a few days he was conducted to the coast and placed on board a French frigate, which bore him to the United Staies. His stay with us was very short. His mother's illness called him tu Arenenberg. She breathed hor last in a few week 9 after his return. Louis Phillippe's governrnent wasdisquieted hy tlie so residence of the Prince, and required from the Swiss authorities that it should no Iongcr be permitted. The Prince then repaired to England. In 1839 he publiihed liis " Idees Napoleonieoes." During his residence in London he found Le Capitole, a journal devoted to the support of liis prelensions to the Imperial Crown. He exercised in England a large hospitality, and formed about bim as it were, a Jittle court composed of the old officers of the Empire. Since the dsath of Joseph Bonaparte, Louis NapoDeon is the legal heir to whatever imperial rights Napoleon has transmilted. There, too, he planned, and with the aid of some score of deluded followers he executed his fatnoui descent upon the French coas: uear Boulogne, August 5, 1S40. This expidiiion terininated more disastrously ihan tliat of Strasbourg. The wouldbe Emperor in the melee which ensued, seTerely wounded by a pisto! shot from his own liand, a gre.iadier who resisted the aitempt. The Prince bimself was at once taken prisoner. Sonie of his fellows attempted to escape but were fired on. Some vvore killed, and the survivors vvith ihe " Edinburg Castle" sfeamear which had brought the expedition over the channel were all seized. The pretender was not lel off so easily this time. He was brought to Paris, tried before ihe Court of Peers, and sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. H story 9 silent, 1 beüeve as to the fate of the live cagle symbol of Empire which r.ccompanied the Prince. We onlv know that it did nol fly from " steeple to stecple," and " perch upon the lowers of Notre Dame." The Prince was sent to the castie of Ham, where he was suffering the sentence of imprisonment pronounced upon him, lill the 25th of May, 1S46, wlien, taking advantage of the occasion offered bytheexecution of some re paus in the prison, he escaped in ihe disguise of a workmun. He immediately repaired to England, where he resided in unobtrusive gentleman-üke style till the breaking out of the llevolution in February. He wrote from London several letters which were published in the papera soon aftnr his escape. They showed that the hero of Boulogne, if six years older, was not much wiser, than previous to his imprisonment ; and all persons seumed satisfied that nothing but an extraordinary conjimcture of circumstances would ever make him dangerous as a pretender - that the only capital at lus disposal was iho name and fame of his uncle. Jo sooner was the Republic proclaimed in February, tban Louis Napoleon imslened to Paris, but retired promplly at the suggestion of the Provisional Government, ulio tbought that bis presence in F ranee at that moment might eodanger the peace of society. The law of 1832 is still unrepealed upon tlie statute book, " interdiciing in perpeiuity the territory of F ranee to the ngnatea and' descendant of Napoleon." This law was not attempted to be enforced. Wiih characteristic indecison, the Provisional Government neither dared to abrógate or enforce it. Three members of the proscribed family. Napoleon, son of Jeromo, Pierre, son of Lucien, nm Lucien Muraí, son of Caroline, are elected mombeia of the National Assembly, and are permitted to take their seats. The law is still allowed to slumber.