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In the darkness, I waited. Silently, motionlessly. My turn was about to arrive.

I could hear the little, skinny droplets of rain beginning to spill out from the sky; the torrent was fighting its way out the clouds. I could hear the wind whirling throughout the misty air, gaining strength upon each blow as it swept against trees and undergrowth. Grass shivered, trees rattled. The dull, empty silence was losing its grip on the world.

I waited. 

I felt the energy and the strength of the sky begin to grow, progressing into the next level of extremity. The leaking cracks of the clouds blew apart, as a deluge of water came splashing down. The wind was tumbling with rage, billowing ferociously, as the shaking of branches and leaves intensified. 

The sky was rolling into utter tenebrosity; utter chaos. The storm was ready to unleash its next stage of power.

Through the waterfall of the rain and the glorious gales, the first roar of thunder resonated from the dark sky. The cacophonous rumble vibrated through the air with a tremendous force, announcing its arrival to the world with great pride. Though the bellow fades in the following split second, leaving behind no trace at all.

One second passes. Two. Three.

I knew my turn had come.

With all my energy mustered, I forced out all my strength.

In an instant, blinding light erupted the world with a blazing flash. The sky was a colossal conflagration, full of power and rage, and sizzling with light. 

As my energy evaporated into the sky, I began to fade as quickly as I had entered. The luminous crack in the sky had become swallowed by darkness, the light had all dissipated into the air.

Before I left, another roar of thunder resounded from the clouds. It was their turn, now.