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child, where do you think dreams come from?



up in the sky?

i heard they spin the clouds and knit them

i heard the caress the birds and kiss them


(nightmares keep you on your toes

nightmares make sure you always know

when you wake up with a shiver

your knees and fingers carrying a forgotten quiver

your breath speeds up and stutters out

your beating heart will not change route)


and how dreams fly-

they soar and dive

they glitter, they sparkle

they flourish in the sky


a bargain, a deal

a suit, a meal

stifled laughter

muted wine 

handshakes so firm they try to confine

a power struggle of the powerful

a beauty pageant of the beautiful

dreams pass through fingers like currency; dimes

slipping through shattered fingers

time after time 


(nightmares keep you on your toes

nightmares make sure that you know

there’s someone out there waiting, watching

ready to make their move

and if there isn’t

well, there will always be-




however light

the beats of wings 

however bright

the laughter, they sing


a cacophony of angelic voices

the notes so high they shake your core

the higher you fly, the higher you fly

the farther you drop and fall and cry

faced with a blinding light of choices

a small child at a candy store


(nightmares keep you on your toes

nightmares make sure you always know

there’s someone out there

waiting for you-)


-someone ready to hold you tight

before you run away

into the black of night

someone watching out for you

inside your head or out?

you choose


the light burns

it stings

your feathers drip with wax

icarus falls from a higher height

the winds lifted him up, supine

(with a sickening crumple and crash, his spine)

the crescendo under the surfaces churns






(you shield your eyes.)