All AADL Locations Closed for at least 2 weeks starting 11/15
by aadl-news
Due to positive COVID tests among Library staff and family, all AADL locations will be closed for at least 2 weeks starting Sunday, November 15th.
All AADL Lobbies will be closed to the public and no pickups will be possible.
All items ready for pickup or waiting for a pickup to be scheduled will stay right where they are until we reopen. All scheduled pickups will be canceled and you'll be able to reschedule them after we reopen.
Our outdoor dropboxes remain open, but no materials will be checked in during the closure, so don't worry if returned items don't clear your account. No fees are being charged. Feel free to hang onto anything you've got until we reopen.
You can still place requests, but we won't be filling any requests until after we reopen.
Don't worry if you picked up items from the library recently; there was no exposure risk related to contactless pickups.
Thank you for your patience, and we're sorry to suspend services. We look forward to reopening as soon as we safely can.
You're shutting down book access for an entire town. How many people rely on those books in this time of isolation? It's already contactless pick up. Can you not manage things in a way that lets people get books?
So many other businesses are managing things well, even with some positive COVID tests. How many people do you have working for AADL? Did all of them get exposed? The website says, "Due to *a* positive COVID test..."
Please run this up the flagpole. Get other opinions. This sounds like a horrible decision.
Helpful tip: we have a…
Helpful tip: we have a virtual collab with the MCLS (Midwest Collaborative for Liberty Services). Look for books that are "Overdrive Ebooks". They'll take you to that site. All you need to do is enter your library card and you can rent books to your device.
I've found this really helpful and have used it twice when the library was shut down earlier this year.
I agree, though it's not…
I agree, though it's not really renting, it's borrowing as from any public library. I'm reading a book on my phone right now, and have downloaded many more using the Overdrive app (the Android version is called Libby). Not every book in the world is available using this app, but the selection is large and includes audiobooks as well.
How do you imagine the books…
How do you imagine the books get into the pickup area? Do you imagine one lone employee in each site, walking the stacks all day to collect books and take them to the pickup area? How do you imagine books move between sites? (Maybe the bookmobile driver was the infectious person.) Public health protocols state that when one is exposed, one should quarantine. Do you think those employees - who are probably on the low end of the salary ladder - should violate quarantine protocols just so people can get a couple books in the next 2 weeks?
Well said.
Well said.
well said
well said
Well said.
Well said.
How do you imagine food gets…
How do you imagine food gets into stores? How do you imagine medical supplies get to hospitals and clinics? There are medically informed ways to address positive cases that do not require shutting entire operations down completely for over two weeks. Absolutely no one should be put in harms way in order keep library operations open, but it is not unreasonable to consider this a major overreaction. This didn't need to happen, but our taxes keep going, so they just took the easiest way out.
Food and medicine are…
Food and medicine are literally necessary for survival. The library is important for the wellbeing of the community, but nobody will literally die because of this decision - on the contrary, this may prevent some deaths.
Well said... 😊
Well said... 😊
I am also very disappointed…
I am also very disappointed. I nevertheless support the library's decision. It is hardly the library's fault that COVID is spiking to record levels in our area - far higher than the spring or summer - and that rapid testing, that might confirm who is exposed and who is not in a shorter timespan, is not accessible to most of us. I am beyond frustrated at higher up powers that could have done more to prevent the spike of COVID in our community, but the library is most definitely not one of those powers and needs our support, not our frustration. Closing for 2 wks is the responsible thing to do given the circumstances, so that everyone can quarantine. AADL, thank you for all of your adaptations so far this year (I logged in to ask for a collection of children's books by description after hearing rave reviews of that service!). I hope everyone who has covid gets the care they need, and that as few people as possible were exposed. I'm looking forward to the reopening when it is safe again. Take care everyone <3
Higher up powers? You mean…
Higher up powers? You mean God. He is the only one in control of this. This is a novel virus, no one has been able to control it thus far, thank goodness our President has done as much as he could by getting the vaccine fast tracked and the awareness of the therapeutics that are out there. Too bad the media wont report the truth about how to better protect oneself.
South Korea and Australia …
South Korea and Australia (and many many other countries) would beg to differ about “no one” being able to control it.
Yep, and add Vietnam, New…
Yep, and add Vietnam, New Zealand, and even China to that list of "no one" that have been able to control it. The fact is, all it takes is a society of people with enough empathy and respect for each other to actually wear masks and socially distance in very large numbers along with government support for quick testing, quarantining infected folks for free, and providing financial help to small businesses and everyday people during any necessary lock downs. Apparently these are not things the U.S. is capable of. Sad.
Waiting more people to be…
Waiting more people to be infected or to die is not ethical. We cannot control the virus, but we can control ourselves. I am a hospital worker, and I know what we can do and what we cannot do. Doing nothing is a killing. Comparing to the Asia countries, they are so close to China but they don't get this bad situation like US. If this president does what he supposes to do we won't have to step into this terrible condition.
The president or operation …
The president or operation "Warp Speed" had nothing to do with development of the Pfizer vaccine. He just wants t
o take credit for it which is typical for him. You need to get a LOT of your facts straight.
Do you think these books are…
Do you think these books are coming from people have to go into the library to pull them and put them in the lockers. Use your head. Re-read books that you have look at YouTube videos that you have over again talk about them to your family don't put the blame on the library. The blame should go on all the stupid people who are not wearing their masks and that are stretching discovered around again. Go to the bookstore. They deliver to the curbside. Go to Amazon. Use your head and don't tell the Librarians they're stupid they're only trying keep everybody safe and well
AADL makes the right…
AADL makes the right decision!! AADL is protecting the entire town including you!! Think beyond yourself. I'm a hospital worker. I know how serious it is. Give the names of the "many other businesses". Don't fool us around.
Totally agree! AADL is…
Totally agree! AADL is doing a great job. Yes, I'm sad about not getting my reserved books. But, my brain is so mixed up I probably won't notice that I'm rereading old books!
Wow. Really? Why don't you…
Wow. Really? Why don't you give them a break? We're in a national emergency, over 200,000 deaths, and you're complaining about not getting library books on time. Count your blessings.
Really? You could try…
Really? You could try reading a book off your own bookshelf, perhaps.
Its not a horrible decision…
Its not a horrible decision. You must think that they knew it would be a hard decision for them to make. They are doing it in concern for public safety. This is a horrible virus, it has ruined way too many lives. The library doesn't want to be the reason to ruin any more than the virus already has.
The first poster is such a…
The first poster is such a rude person
I agree.
I agree.
I agree.
I agree.
Chill out. Our library has…
Chill out. Our library has every right to make sure they keep everyone safe, and I support their decision. Buy a book! Support a local book store that has contactless options.
Wow this is mean.
Wow this is mean.
I meant the first post was…
I meant the first post was mean, not shutting down the libraries.
I hope everyone is safe. …
I hope everyone is safe. Thank you for all you do
There has to be a way you…
There has to be a way you can stay open. I agree, many are dependent on you in this strange and isolated time. Surely not everyone working for the library is infected. Please stay open. For the community. For the sake of growth, knowledge and sanity in your community. Most of you are working from home and I haven’t seen or encountered a library employee all summer or fall. There is no contact. Please stay open.
How do you imagine the books…
How do you imagine the books get into the pickup area? Do you imagine one lone employee in each site, walking the stacks all day to collect books and take them to the pickup area? How do you imagine books move between sites?
Maybe you haven't contacted an employee, but I suspect they contact each other. Any public health protocols state that when one is exposed, one should quarantine. Do you think those employees - who are probably on the low end of the salary ladder - should violate quarantine protocols just so people can get a couple books in the next 2 weeks?
camelsamba - please stop…
camelsamba - please stop spamming this thread! You've listed your opinion, no need to troll people. We are all entitles to expressed our opinions without being copied and pasted by one sole person. Please acknowledge other views.
Why should we acknowledge…
Why should we acknowledge other views when one is the blatant disregard for someone's life just because a spoiled brat wants to read the latest James Patterson?
Obviously the library is a…
Obviously the library is a puppet. To pickup books/videos via a contactless lobby DOES NOT SPREAD THE VIRUS! Stop the insanity! Was the positive worker(s) in the lobby, coughing and spitting on people?
How do you imagine the books…
How do you imagine the books get into the pickup area? Do you imagine one lone employee in each site, walking the stacks all day to collect books and take them to the pickup area? How do you imagine books move between sites?
During pickup the public doesn't contact an employee, but I suspect they contact each other. And public health protocols state that when one is exposed, one should quarantine. Do you think those employees - who are probably on the low end of the salary ladder - should violate quarantine protocols just so people can get a couple books in the next 2 weeks? Stop by the hundreds of "little free libraries" in town if you run out of books.
Relax. It is possible to do…
Relax. It is possible to do it in a safe manner. How do you think grocery stores do it??
This is out of control.
The question is not the…
The question is not the spread of the virus in the contactless lobby pickup, but behind the scenes where all the books are collected, organized and distributed. The librarians doing all the work in the background need a safe environment. If staff gets sick you won’t have your safe contactless pickup in the first place. All those books on the contactless shelves don’t jump there by themselves!
I am sure no one is licking…
I am sure no one is licking the books. The virus does not live on surfaces for long if at all. It is possible to do it in a safe way.
Thank you for all that you…
Thank you for all that you’re doing for AA! Hopefully those who are infected and exposed recover quickly.
Posted this in a reply above…
Posted this in a reply above, but just incase it gets lost above:
Helpful tip atleast for renting books: we have a virtual collab with the MCLS (Midwest Collaborative for Liberty Services). Look for books that are "Overdrive Ebooks". They'll take you to that site. All you need to do is enter your library card and you can rent books to your device.
I've found this really helpful and have used it twice when the library was shut down earlier this year.
I get that this is…
I get that this is disappointing but I don’t fault the library at all for being extra cautious while Covid is surging. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy
Thank you for doing what is…
Thank you for doing what is needed to keep your staff (who are quite literally our friends and neighbors) safe and healthy.
So sorry to hear that some…
So sorry to hear that some of your staff have been affected. Also, sorry for some of the extremely selfish and inconsiderate comments you have received from a few others. This is a bad time for EVERYONE.
We appreciate the wonderful service AADL has always provided this community. Wishes for a fast recovery. Please post online (or just send a msg) if any of the staff members need help.
Thank you for working to…
Thank you for working to keep the AADL staff healthy!
For us patrons, this is…
For us patrons, this is merely an inconvenience. I'm so sorry the staff has been affected by the virus. Do what you must to keep everyone safe and p
lease know that we all wish you well.
Books and DVDs and other…
Books and DVDs and other resources can't be touched by COVID. AADL staff and their families can be and are. Please stay safe, take care of yourselves, and for all those yelling on this page about not having access to library resources, for the love of God get your priorities in order. Maybe buy a book or two from a local bookstore and do your part to stop the spread of this terrible disease.
I support your decision…
I support your decision. AADL has done a great job handling the pandemic so I trust your judgement. Keep up the good work, and stay safe!
I am sorry for anyone…
I am sorry for anyone dealing with the virus or the exposure to the virus.
Thank you AnnArbor Library for all you do for the community, the patrons, staff, and using the guidelines for everyone’s safety even the selfish rude folks.
Take care and hopefully heal quickly.
Thanks for your service. Be…
Thanks for your service. Be safe so we can see you all again!
Thank you for all you do,…
Thank you for all you do, AADL! Wishing your staff a full and speedy recovery. Glad to see you're working to take care of your employees, and we look forward to a time when it's safe to resume contactless pickup. <3
Are Melcat checkouts going…
Are Melcat checkouts going to be subject to fees if not returned by a due date falling within the two week period?
Thanks so much for all that you do AADL staff!!
Hi there, no worries. We are…
Hi there, no worries. We are not charging any overdue fees currently. You're welcome to hang onto your items or return them, but we won't be processing any returns for at least the next two weeks. Thanks for asking and thanks for your patience!
Thanx for all you do for so…
Thanx for all you do for so many of us. We understand all the protocols and you've done the right thing. Hopefully everyone has a speedy recovery and we can enjoy the special service you provide in the near future again. Take care and stay safe everyone!
I was appalled by some of…
I was appalled by some of the inconsiderate comments to the library closing for two weeks. In order to organize the contactless pickup of books it takes library staff working behind the scenes to collect, organize and distribute books for pickup. If someone on staff has COVID I don’t blame them for being cautious and thinking of the safety of everyone. I appreciate all they have done just opening in the first place. Ann Arbor’s library is one of the treasures we have here. We should be thinking of the safety of the library staff and their families.
Save your virtual posturing…
Save your virtual posturing for people that still believe in a hoax. I am appaulled that our country is being subjected to a fake pandemic for the purpose of controlling us and that the library is supporting this kind of garbage.
Thank you for protecting…
Thank you for protecting your staff!
Please explain the process…
Please explain the process for MelCat books, both the ones that arrived and were waiting for a pickup to be scheduled, and ones that patrons have out.
Thanks for asking! Items…
Thanks for asking! Items that have arrived and are waiting for a pickup to be scheduled will stay right where they are until pickups resume. All items, including MeLCat items, waiting to have pickups scheduled now will be able to have a pickup scheduled when service resumes. We won't be processing any returns for at least the next two weeks, and we are not charging any overdue fees, so people who have MeLCat items can just hang onto them for now. No fees will accrue. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you to library staff…
Thank you to library staff for working behind the scenes.. Some patrons must not realize the materials don't just jump off the shelves, sticker themselves and sit in the library lobbies waiting for our pickup!
So sorry to hear this. Take…
So sorry to hear this. Take care and best wishes for health and healing. Thank you for all you have done for my family this difficult year. We greatly appreciate the access you have created for us.
I do not even know how to…
I do not even know how to express the extent of my concern for the AADL staff and their families. Please let us know if there is anything that anyone needs and how we might be able to help.
We have been blessed to have the services of the AADL staff these past few months, and I have never taken for granted the risks they may have had to take to deliver what is actually an essential service. The library has supported our mental, emotional and physical health in more ways than we can begin to count. The wellbeing of the staff must now be our priority.
It is a real highlight of my day when I arrive for contactless pickup and I am greeted by a friendly face and voice. That person is often the only other individual I see besides those in my household and colleagues on Zoom calls. The importance of these kindnesses cannot be overestimated.
Please share with those AADL staff and family members our appreciation and the positive thoughts being sent their way for a full and speedy recovery.
No worries. Please protect…
No worries. Please protect the health of the A2 library staff. It is a dangerous time.
The library system is one of…
The library system is one of our Ann Arbor gems. I was extremely disappointed to hear that they will close for two weeks. What isbmost important is the health and safety of everyone so although you have to make that decision , we understand. Looking forward to your re-opening.
AADL, please know that most…
AADL, please know that most of the community supports your decision. We understand the measures you're taking and are glad you're doing what you need to in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.
To those on here complaining, y'all can happily get bent.
See you guys when you reopen!
I have been BEYOND impressed…
I have been BEYOND impressed with all the creative things that the AADL has come up with during this pandemic to ensure that so many of us in the community can keep enjoying what we love about the library, and maybe even discover some great new stuff. I'm glad you're deciding to play it safe and close for 2 weeks to keep your employees and their families safe. I'm sure that you have all been doing tons of work behind the scenes, and that work might well be riskier than what many of us have had to do in these times. THANK YOU for that work, and thank you for being a responsible, moral employer. The fact that you're closing for 2 weeks makes me feel even better about the AADL than I did before, and I really didn't think that was possible!
I definitely agree! I love…
I definitely agree! I love the YouTube Channel/Facebook Events. I was sad I realized too late about the deadlines for the Lego contest and Halloween contests, but will keep them in mind for next year. I appreciate the ease of being able to request items to my desired pickup location. It’s amazingly easy and convenient the system the AADL has set up and my family appreciates it so much. All AADL Staff, stay well and stay safe and we appreciate you!
Please overlook the angry…
Please overlook the angry and ignorant comments. It IS disappointing to lose access to our wonderful library for two weeks, but the important thing is that your staff exercise the necessary caution to remain healthy or recover quickly. Thank you for all you do for us.
THIS. I can't believe the…
THIS. I can't believe the entitlement, delusion, and short-sightedness of some people. We seem to have fewer of them in Ann Arbor than some places, but still.
Good call. Thanks for…
Good call. Thanks for keeping us safe.
Quick question, is tomorrow…
Quick question, is tomorrow the last day to pick up any requested items, or does the shutdown start tomorrow? I'm pretty sure it means it starts tomorrow, but I just wanted to be sure.
Thanks for asking. Today,…
Thanks for asking. Today, Saturday 11/14, is the last day to pick up scheduled items. We won't be open for pickups Sunday 11/15. If you didn't get a chance to get your items, no worries, they'll stay right where they are. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you AADL for the…
Thank you AADL for the wonderful services you have been providing during this unprecedented time. I hurt for you when reading the selfish and angry comments. All entities have the right to do what is best for their staff, customers, and the community. I applaud and support your decision. All the best to AADL staff and their families.
Reminder for those in need of reading material ... Ann Arbor has a number of independent book sellers that add to the character of our town. They are struggling to stay afloat! Do something positive.
Be safe, and get well soon,…
Be safe, and get well soon, library staff! Thank you for all you do!!!
Thank you for keeping your…
Thank you for keeping your staff and all of us safe!
I agree with and support…
I agree with and support your decision to protect your staff and those of us who use the library for pickup. Well wishes to all of you during your quarantine.
These are disturbing times…
These are disturbing times. I thank you all and applaud you all for the necessary steps you are taking. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone affected by the virus. Keep doing all you need to do. There are all kinds of options for books and other media out there. Thank you for the difficult and correct decisions you are making.
We thank you for your…
We thank you for your concern and kind words, and believe me when I say that all of the staff are reading your messages.
Take good care.
I am so sorry this is…
I am so sorry this is necessary but completely support the decision. Best wishes for speedy recovery for those directly affected and a return to service when possible and safe. Be well
I cannot thank enough to the…
I cannot thank enough to the library for keep bringing us so many online contents during this hard time. And for so long all the staff have been strived so hard to keep the library running. If we could learn anything from the books we read, I hope it could be everyone being a bit more selfless, being a bit more patient and being able to appreciate more.
Thank you AADL. We'll be…
Thank you AADL. We'll be here whenever you're ready! It was fun while it lasted... <3
Thank you AADL. You have…
Thank you AADL. You have been wonderful these past few months. I have loved seeing the face of a library worker on the monitor in the lobby. Protect yourselves and your families. We will be ready when you are.
Our family of bookworms is…
Our family of bookworms is sad to see this news, but we completely support this decision by the AADL. Thank you for figuring out ways to provide library services these past several months. Wishing everyone who has been exposed s speedy recovery.
Thank you for keeping your…
Thank you for keeping your staff safe, AADL- sending support and wishes for speedy recovery to your staff and their families.
Yes, this is stupid…
Yes, this is stupid...because first of all, if librarians actually did REAL research, vs. follow the mainstream media's super-propaganda garbage, they would discover that a whole bunch of highly qualified doctors and scientists--including the man who created the PCR test--attest to how this test tests NOTHING related to actual viral disease, absolutely including Covid. Furthermore, a "case" DOES NOT EQUAL "an infected person." Why are my tax dollars going to support this dangerous politically and economically-motivated hoax? Why why why why?
I wonder if your potato…
I wonder if your potato person who doesn't believe the Jewish people we're all killed or in Rwanda with the tutus and the hutus do you wear a mask all the time or is it your right to not wear a mask? It is my right to go where people are careful and considerate of others. This is a hoax I think if you believe that you should go to Canada or to another the European nations and live there and see how much of a hoax it is there I cannot believe how this comment is so stupid my tax dollars are going to support the library books and people including the people who run it. Do you honestly believe that somebody is doing this to spite you? Why, why, why, are you not believing the thousands of people who are dying and the families these people are affecting? Perhaps if someone in your family a grandparent a parent or a child where to get covid and to die from it you might have a slightly different viewpoint. I am so disgusted with people like you. Fortunately the people who have some education or brains are trying to keep everyone safe. I bet you don't have anything positive to say about anybody or any place. I would like you to just say your house and not say anything nasty to anyone. I bet you can't do it Library Steph keep up the good work to try to make everyone safe even the idiot who don't wear masks and who bitched about things that don't deserve being bitched about
Nobel Prize winner Kary B…
Nobel Prize winner Kary B. Mullis, inventor of the PCR technique, was a great and amazing scientist. However, there is no evidence Dr. Mullis developed a technique enabling one to speak from beyond the grave. His death August 7, 2019, before the emergence of Covid-19, makes it highly unlikely he has had anything to say about testing, the virus or anything else in the interim from then until now.…
It's a bummer for everyone…
It's a bummer for everyone but I support the decision. Thanks to the staff for everything they do. Well wishes to those impacted and well wishes to everyone involved.
Thank you for showing such…
Thank you for showing such careing for your staff and community. I hope all of our dedicated librarians and their families stay well.
I urge the AADL to reach out…
I urge the AADL to reach out to children of lesser means (who are many in this city) and find out how this closure affects them and how the library is providing services to these kids. We should take COVID seriously, but in this progressive city, we have failed our children. Please step out of your bubble and see families and children who are not in your socio-economic category. The fact that kids need to rely on tiny libraries set up by parents on sidewalks tells me our local government and institutions have failed. It is easy to kick the blame up to the federal government (and they are to be blamed), but that should not absolve you. Why do we have local governments then?
All AAPS students are…
All AAPS students are supposed to have a school-issued tablet or chromebook and have access to at least 1 online library (my daughter has access to at least 3 and can check out up to 14 digital books per week from one of those, unlimited access during school hours for another). I doubt a 2-week closure will affect any of the city's children much. A slight inconvenience for some perhaps, but certainly not worth risking the health and lives of others so that some kids can get a physical copy of a book.
I wish the library would…
I wish the library would figure out a better way of dealing with this virus than closing. This is not unexpected. I fully supported the first close down but this is ridiculous. You've had more than enough time to come up with plans on how to handle people testing positive rather than just shutting down. If you need to hire more staff to fill the places of those who test positive or have to quarantine then do it. Lots of people looking for jobs right now. This virus isn't going away anytime soon and continually closing like this shouldn't be an option. It's only possible because you get paid whether you're working or not through taxes.
If you have such a better…
If you have such a better idea why don't you write it and see if people will follow it hire more staff I don't think so. I will support as many close Downs as there will be have you had anyone test positive have you had any in the hospital. I can't believe the selfishness of a few people1
If you have such a better…
If you have such a better idea why don't you write it and see if people will follow it hire more staff I don't think so. I will support as many close Downs as there will be have you had anyone test positive have you had any in the hospital. I can't believe the selfishness of a few people1
Thank you Ann Arbor Library…
Thank you Ann Arbor Library for taking the necessary steps to keep the public snd your employees safe.
Thank you AADL for…
Thank you AADL for everything you do-and I sincerely hope all affected staff and families recover easily.
We are so sorry to hear of…
We are so sorry to hear of Covid touching the lives of more library staff members and wish everyone a speedy and uncomplicated recovery! Thank you for being leaders in responsible management of this virus! We love you more than books! :)
Seems to me that most folks…
Seems to me that most folks don't know enough to comment intelligently on ramifications of Covid-19 infection and spread at the Library. The internal policies of the AADL are up to the AADL since they are the ones with the knowledge of what is happening at the AADL. If I was a Library employee, I would be sorry to have to quarantine. But I would be glad to know my employer valued my health more than public relations. The Library is a fabulous public resource and I am hopeful that it will not have to shut down permanently as so many businesses have been forced to do lately. I am grateful that we have a Public Library. I am grateful to be alive and able to read.
Thank you for taking covid…
Thank you for taking covid seriously and for taking care of your staff and the community.
Thank you for taking all the…
Thank you for taking all the procedures to keep the community save and sound. We are not going to die because we can't get a book. There are some "neighborhood small library" to check at books and also exchange or borrowing with friends is possible, too. You are doing the right and taking covid seriously is Very Important. I am grateful for all the efforts you do at our public libraries - there are places around the world that lack of books/libraries.
I am so sorry to hear it…
I am so sorry to hear it when anyone tests positive. How scary that must be for them and their families. I hope all are doing well. Thanks for all you do, and best wishes to all involved.
I absolutely support this…
I absolutely support this decision. The library staff have been AMAZING through this ordeal! They and their families are deserving of whatever support we can give them, and they also deserve to take whatever decisions are necessary to keep themselves safe.
Join the Library-tarian…
Join the Library-tarian party at a variety of sources.
Borrow from friends
Borrow from the little library stands in the neighborhoods
International Digital Children's Library
Google eBookstore
Project Gutenberg
Open Library
Internet Archive
Free eBooks
Loyal Books
Mind Webs
Open Culture
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Thanks for the list!
Thanks for the list!
Yes, thank you for the great…
Yes, thank you for the great list.
So grateful to the AADL…
So grateful to the AADL staff for all that you do. We support your decision to protect the safety and health of your staff. Speedy recovery to those who are impacted.
Best wishes to the covid…
Best wishes to the covid-positive people for an easy recovery. Thank you guys for being responsible and hopefully looking out for your employees. We'll miss having our great library available, of course. Sorry about all the grouchy self-focused people; I think everybody's just worried about getting through the winter...
Joining the thread to add…
Joining the thread to add some more positivity and best wishes to the AADL employees. Working behind-the-scenes in a public service is often a thankless job, and no time has it been more so than right now. Thank you for your hard work at making library services accessible and fun throughout the pandemic. Hoping for a swift recovery and to see you all via contactless pickup in two weeks!
Please take good care of…
Please take good care of yourselves! You are irreplaceable and we care about you and your families. Better safe than sorry. Cases are high and there's no need to risk anyone's well-being. We appreciate everything you have done during the pandemic and will remember to vote for any library millages in the future. Perhaps the less than kind comments demonstrate a need to have more programming or education about civil discourse and how to recognize misinformation.
I agree with this decision. …
I agree with this decision. I am disappointed to not get my books, but I agree. While some argue that contactless pickup will not infect the person picking up the books/materials, they seem to forget about the staff of AADL. If there are cases at AADL, then staff who came into contact with those cases must quarantine, right? AADL must protect their staff.
I really appreciate the work…
I really appreciate the work that you all have done to keep the library running during the pandemic. I hope you get well soon. Please ignore all the negative comments here -- these are just people pissed about not being able to access the library books.
Thank you AADL for making…
Thank you AADL for making the decisions that keep your staff and patrons safe. These are tough decisions, and I am comforted knowing you are being proactive. Let us all remember, we have an AMAZING library system here in Ann Arbor and it shouldn't be taken for granted - it is a privilege!
Thank you AADL!! Our library…
Thank you AADL!! Our library is amazing in so many ways. Glad you took the steps to protect staff and patrons. Please ignore the negative comments- you guys are the best!!
I agree. Like many, I'm…
I agree. Like many, I'm disappointed. I had just put in a big request. ;) However, I support the AADL's decision to be cautious and protect people. I appreciate care in looking out for each other as a community right now. Perhaps we could utilize the Little Free Libraries around town (if left untouched for a period of time to decontaminate items)?
Sorry to hear that some AADL…
Sorry to hear that some AADL staff and family tested positive for covid. Wish them all well, and if they get sick, a complete recovery.
Thank you, AADL staff! I…
Thank you, AADL staff! I appreciate your hard work and diligence, and support you 100%. Thank you for all you do for the Ann Arbor community. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful library system here. I sympathize with those who are unhappy over the closure, but we all need to respect and support AADL's efforts to keep everyone safe. These are very difficult and uncertain times for all of us, and I'm sure some of the negative comments were just from people lashing out in frustration. Please don't let them bother you.
My thoughts are with your…
My thoughts are with your staff. Stay safe feel better soon.
Sending best wishes to all…
Sending best wishes to all the library staff, including the names I remember: Josie, Eli, Sharon and Christian. Looking forward to more online trivia whenever it might be deemed safe to produce it. Meanwhile I'll enjoy the items I've checked out, my Summer Game Blend peach tea in my Yeti-type mug, and my AADL super-cool photo calendar. Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful for you folks; you are the best!
AADL staff: Thank you for…
AADL staff: Thank you for keeping your employees and our community safe. You are a superb organization and we are so lucky to have you.
Personally, I'm glad AADL is…
Personally, I'm glad AADL is so on top of this. A quarantine is the only sure way to stop the spread, and their commitment to implement it whenever needed is reassuring. I hope you're all okay, and wish a speedy, easy, and uncomplicated recovery for those afflicted.
I want to applaud the…
I want to applaud the library for doing what they can to protect their staff. I, for one, have a child that is immune-compromised and, thus, high risk. I'm a researcher at UM and we've been working on COVID research at UM for the past few months. We still don't know enough about it to not take a positive test seriously. There are some hateful and misguided comments on here from people who clearly don't understand what we're dealing with. I've had two family friends die from COVID. Viruses don't care if you're not getting your book requests. Think about the bigger picture.
Thank you AADL staff for…
Thank you AADL staff for working so hard for us and taking every measure to keep the community safe! It is so reassuring to know that AADL is taking this pandemic seriously. We'll all miss the library for 2 weeks, but it is so worth it to make sure all of their staff is safe and healthy. Thank you!!
novel idea...get books just…
novel idea...get books just from one branch. If the branch does not have the book, video, game etc. you can't get it! Perhaps, this way the exposure will be reduced. from the back and forth.
You think you're peeved…
You think you're peeved about the library being closed again, my summer game order just came in. WHO'S GOING TO FEED MY LLAMAS?!??? Just kidding--thank you, AADL, for making the smart call and keeping your employees and our community a little safer.
Thank you Ms. Parker, board…
Thank you Ms. Parker, board members, and staff for acting professionally and responsibly once again. Best wishes for the recovery of staff and your families. I look forward to the return of this wonderful community asset, whenever it is safe to resume services safely in the Director's judgment.
Thank you AADL for the…
Thank you AADL for the amazing work you do on a day to day basis. Thank you for going the extra mile to allow us contactless pickups. Thank you for the online programs you have developed to stay relevant to our community and still provide little people story time, etc. Kudos! Please stay safe.
Thank you AADL for all that…
Thank you AADL for all that you do! Glad that you are taking the right precautions to stay safe; all of you at AADL are precious to our community. Please ignore the rude comments. Your lives & health are more important than a few entitled, ignorant people not getting what they want, when they want. Take care, AADL staff!
This is a related question…
This is a related question that I hope someone at AADL can answer. What I don't understand is why the bookstore - Nicola's - next door can be open, allowing folks to browse, touch, but the library cannot be open.
Just wondering about the difference.
That’s a very good question…
That’s a very good question. I actually read through the governors directive and the details are a little murky, although they allow directors to shut things if they feel that’s appropriate. Libraries, museums, and retail operations are subjected to the 30% occupancy rule, but there are other restrictions on indoor facilities not having more than 25 people. Aadl didn’t allow walking and browsing at least earlier,. But maybe to operate, they need some people although clearly less than. 25.
The largest difference is that Nicolas is a retail operation with overhead, rent, payroll, and and an owner who can probably see everything disappearing without some sales. I don’t think libraries and museums think the same way. Municipal libraries are probably treated like other city services, and if DMV and Ann Arbor city hall are closing buildings for 2 weeks, I can see aadl leaders following along.
The library has a wealth of e-books and I think you can still download during the interim. Even one of my books is available as a ebook through AADL. I’d borrow through Aadl ebook repository if I could find something I’d enjoy reading and also visit book bound, Nicolas, etc to help them in clearly challenging times.
That’s a very good question…
That’s a very good question. I actually read through the governors directive and the details are a little murky, although they allow directors to shut things if they feel that’s appropriate. Libraries, museums, and retail operations are subjected to the 30% occupancy rule, but there are other restrictions on indoor facilities not having more than 25 people. Aadl didn’t allow walking and browsing at least earlier,. But maybe to operate, they need some people although clearly less than. 25.
The largest difference is that Nicolas is a retail operation with overhead, rent, payroll, and and an owner who can probably see everything disappearing without some sales. I don’t think libraries and museums think the same way. Municipal libraries are probably treated like other city services, and if DMV and Ann Arbor city hall are closing buildings for 2 weeks, I can see aadl leaders following along.
The library has a wealth of e-books and I think you can still download during the interim. Even one of my books is available as a ebook through AADL. I’d borrow through Aadl ebook repository if I could find something I’d enjoy reading and also visit book bound, Nicolas, etc to help them in clearly challenging times.
Hi Barbara, The AADL…
Hi Barbara,
The AADL suspended vestibule service in order to mitigate the spread of COVID within its staff. We cannot answer for Nicola's, and we wish their staff all good health, and success to all businesses in the area during this pandemic.
Best wishes to all the…
Best wishes to all the library staff for good health.
Thank you AADL, I wish…
Thank you AADL, I wish everyone involved a full recovery.
So are the employees…
So are the employees spreading covid at work? I'm confused.
All this just validates my…
All this just validates my opinion that Trump posting and verbally expressing his views the way he does has made the people feel like their opinion is the only and right one!! Its NOT!! The library is probably doing their best and verbally or I guess writing abuse isn't going to get you what you want!! Sorry to say your not that important! If we aren't careful the virus will be the least of our worries. It will being shot by the crazies who think their opinion matters more than a persons life!
Thank you for closing. I…
Thank you for closing. I appreciate your care and concern for all the library patrons and the community. I look forward to your opening and I wish everyone well.
What a interesting…
What a interesting experience in civics reading through these comments. Clearly people feel passionate about our AADL - one of the best libraries in the country - award winning in fact - and also about access to these great services. While we all are coping and adjusting to the epidemic our community, services are mostly adapting. Even if inside services are not available pick up is often an option. I hope our wonderful library staff can find a way to safely continue to operate as we are probably many months, maybe a year away from having a normal life again. We are all weary of this but let’s try to find a workable solution.
I second @ofmacapagal's…
I second @ofmacapagal's sentiment - thank you for closing! I know that this decision would not have been taken lightly, and is the right thing to do at this juncture for the safety of the library staff as well as its patrons. AADL is one of Ann Arbor's crown jewels. While I miss the library very much, I respect their decision to close.
Thank you AADL for being…
Thank you AADL for being here. Thank you for doing the right thing and shutting down as needed to keep workers and other humans safe. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done and will do. Thank you for being a sunny spot in a world of shade.
Thank you