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Zena & Joan Brovins Prepare For Ukrainian Themed Brunch At The Ann Arbor Women's City Club, April 1968 Photographer: AAK

Zena & Joan Brovins Prepare For Ukrainian Themed Brunch At The Ann Arbor Women's City Club, April 1968 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 13, 1968
Dressed in authentic costumes, Mrs. Walter G. Brovins and her daughter, Joan, survey linens and ceramics from Ukraine as they get in the spirit for the annual Easter brunch which will unfold tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Women's City Club. Mrs. Brovins is chairman of the brunch, which this year will have a Ukrainian theme.

County Clerk Luella M. Smith Completes Citizenship Papers for New Citizens, November 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel

County Clerk Luella M. Smith Completes Citizenship Papers for New Citizens, November 1962 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1962
Welcomes New Citizens: Circuit Judge William J. Weipert, jr. (far right), congratulates Dr. and Mrs. Walter G. Brovins (left), formerly of the Ukraine, and Hendrika Overkleeft (standing center), from The Netherlands, as County Clerk Luella M. Smith (seated) completes Hendrika's naturalization certificate. Dr. Brovins is a state physician at Ypsilanti State Hospital. Hendrika, 16, a student at Ypsilanti High School, was the youngest person naturalized yesterday.