Nora Le Tourneau Addresses National Council of Catholic Women at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti, November 1957 Photographer: Doug Fulton
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 11, 1957
Institute Speaker: Miss Nora Le Tourneau of Washington, D.C. (center), field secretary of the National Council of Catholic Women, addresses an institute for the Southwestern Deanery of the Detroit Archdiocesan council of the National Council of Catholic Women, Saturday at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti. Seated are the Rev. William P. Mooney of St. John's and Mrs. Edward Millis of Wayne, president of the deanery. Women from 35 parishes attended. The theme of the program was "Women at Work."
Ann Arbor News, November 11, 1957
Institute Speaker: Miss Nora Le Tourneau of Washington, D.C. (center), field secretary of the National Council of Catholic Women, addresses an institute for the Southwestern Deanery of the Detroit Archdiocesan council of the National Council of Catholic Women, Saturday at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti. Seated are the Rev. William P. Mooney of St. John's and Mrs. Edward Millis of Wayne, president of the deanery. Women from 35 parishes attended. The theme of the program was "Women at Work."
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Mrs. Harold W. Held, Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, and Mrs. Clair Nicholson Prepare for National Council of Catholic Women, November 1962 Photographer: Doug Fulton
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 1, 1962
Catholic Convention: Discussing the five-day convention of the National Council of Catholic Women to begin Saturday in Cobo Hall, Detroit, are Mrs. Harold W. Held, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of Detroit Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women (DACCW); Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of DACCW; and Mrs. Clair W. Nicholson, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery.
Ann Arbor News, November 1, 1962
Catholic Convention: Discussing the five-day convention of the National Council of Catholic Women to begin Saturday in Cobo Hall, Detroit, are Mrs. Harold W. Held, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of Detroit Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women (DACCW); Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of DACCW; and Mrs. Clair W. Nicholson, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery.
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Five Airline Special Flights Will Bring 400 Mexican Exchange Students To Area
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Council Of Catholic Women Bridge Tea Committee, June 1939 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Ann Arbor News, June 28, 1939
CHAIRMAN AND ASSISTANTS FOR BENEFIT PARTY: Mrs. George Ennen of Ypsilanti, general chairman of the benefit bridge tea to be given Friday afternoon in the Michigan League by the Councils of Catholic Women of the Ann Arbor deanery, conferred last night with her assistants on final plans for the party. The group above met at the home of Mrs. W. J. Burns of Church St. From left to right they are Miss Mary O'Hara of N. Division St., vice chairman; Mrs. Ennen; and Mrs. William Ager of Shadford R., ticket chairman.
Ann Arbor News, June 28, 1939
CHAIRMAN AND ASSISTANTS FOR BENEFIT PARTY: Mrs. George Ennen of Ypsilanti, general chairman of the benefit bridge tea to be given Friday afternoon in the Michigan League by the Councils of Catholic Women of the Ann Arbor deanery, conferred last night with her assistants on final plans for the party. The group above met at the home of Mrs. W. J. Burns of Church St. From left to right they are Miss Mary O'Hara of N. Division St., vice chairman; Mrs. Ennen; and Mrs. William Ager of Shadford R., ticket chairman.
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