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Community High students 'Jump' at an '80s Dance, April 1992 Photographer: Ken Kwok

Community High students 'Jump' at an '80s Dance, April 1992 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 25, 1992
Community High School students Giedra Berzanskis, Jessica Leix, and Kevin McGrath perform their interpretation of an '80s dance to the strains of "ump" by the heavy metal band Van Halen.

Melvin Miller Leads The EMU Gospel Choir In Song At A Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Ceremony - January 20, 1992 Photographer: Ken Kwok

Melvin Miller Leads The EMU Gospel Choir In Song At A Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Ceremony - January 20, 1992 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 21, 1992
Melvin Miller leads the Eastern Michigan University Gospel Choir in a song commemorating the late Martin Luther King Jr. during a Monday afternoon ceremony at the King Plaza on the EMU campus. The event was sponsored by fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha.