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Washtenaw County Emergency Medical Service Unit, May 1942 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Washtenaw County Emergency Medical Service Unit, May 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1942
Throughout Washtenaw county emergency medical service units like the one pictured above are being organized to provide medical care on the scene in the event of air raids or other war-time disasters. The unit shown here is based at the University health service. From left to right are Armin A. Darmstaetter and William T. Counter, both University medical students, stretcherbearers; Mrs. Claire Wesch and Mrs. Dorothy Bissell, nurses; Dr. John O. Kennedy and Dr. Wilma Sacks, physician; and Dr. William M. Brace, director of operations. In emergencies, the unit will travel with the local ambulance pictured here.

Unusual Double Rose Grew in Garden of Mrs. Dorothy Bissell & Mrs. Hilda Kaercher, June 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Unusual Double Rose Grew in Garden of Mrs. Dorothy Bissell & Mrs. Hilda Kaercher, June 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 19, 1961
Double Reward: This unusual double rose grew in the garden of Mrs. Dorothy Bissell and Mrs. Hilda Kaercher of Saline.