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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Vacation Bible School Children Donating to Operation Cross Roads, August 1973 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Vacation Bible School Children Donating to Operation Cross Roads, August 1973 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 11, 1973
'Living God's Love' Children attending vacation church school this week at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church here have been bringing offerings for Operation Cross Roads, a program of assistance to American Indians operating out of Ausustana Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minn. Theme of the vacation church school is "Living God's Love." Operation Cross Roads ministers to American Indians who migrate to Minneapolis from reservations in northern Minnesota and the Dakotas. Shown are, left to right, Pamela Ingebrigtsen, Gus Meyers, Mark Wellman and Jule Hibbard.

Bible School Teachers Jim Wolff and Gloria Van Zyl, July 1971 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Bible School Teachers Jim Wolff and Gloria Van Zyl, July 1971 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1971
Jim Wolff, Left Background, And Gloria Van Zyl Teach In Bible School

Children at First and Second Baptist Vacation School, June 1970 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Children at First and Second Baptist Vacation School, June 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 27, 1970
Palestinian House Takes Shape Bible study, devotion, recreation and crafts made up the morning for students attending the First and Second Baptist Vacation School. Here four of the youngsters work at making their Palestinian house "liveable." They are (from left) Shannon Lee, Kevin McCollough, Trudy Siefert and Janice Townsend.

Beth Israel Hebrew School, August 1969 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Beth Israel Hebrew School, August 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 9, 1969
Hebrew Can Be Fun Beth Israel Congregation is sponsoring its third summer Hebrew Play School for children ages 3 to 8. This is the last week of the school for this summer, and children are putting the finishing touches of their school activities. Learning Hebrew by pictures and blocks is a fun method for these children. They are, at the table, Pesach Geffen, Ori Kopelman, Moshe Zand and, in rear, David Reif, and Mrs. Raoul Kopelman. The goals of the school are to present the Hebrew language and the values and ideals of Judaism for pre-schoolers. These children learn to read and write Hebrew.

St. Paul Lutheran Church Bible School, June 1966 Photographer: Duane Scheel

St. Paul Lutheran Church Bible School, June 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 17, 1966
Back To School Many area youngsters have transferred their classroom activities to vacation church schools. Typical of the many church classes meeting now is this one at St. Paul Lutheran Church, taught by Mrs. Roy Ziegler. Her pupils, reading clockwise, are: Danny Solomon, Brian Klinge, Doug Johansen, Jon Callies, Ronnie Heck, Laurie Thompson and Julie Brooks. Their sessions include lessons, stories, handicrafts, songs and prayers.

Mrs. Lester Rupert and Mrs. Robert Marsh Teach Vacation Bible School, July 1965 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Mrs. Lester Rupert and Mrs. Robert Marsh Teach Vacation Bible School, July 1965 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 28, 1965
Getting the Word A group of young summer scholars listens attentively as Mrs. Lester Rupert (second from right) and Mrs. Robert Marsh (right) explain a passage from the Bible, during a session of Mrs. Rupert's private, unaffiliated vacation Bible school in the Rupert backyard. Behind the listeners is a group of younger children being served refreshments by neighbor Linda Neal (back to camera) and Kathy Rupert (behind Miss Neal).

Planning of First Protestant Vacation Bible School at Willard J. Maxey Boys' Training School, June 1964 Photographer: Ted Rancont Jr

Planning of First Protestant Vacation Bible School at Willard J. Maxey Boys' Training School, June 1964 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 29, 1964
Planning Bible School: Ministers and church representatives from more than a dozen area Protestant congregations met at the state-owned Willard J. Maxey Boys' Training School over the weekend to plan the institution's first organized vacation Bible school. From left to right, seated, are Robert Davis, Mrs. Oral Euper, Mrs. Blair Race (extreme left), Mrs. Harry Colstock, BTS chaplain Simmie P. Holland, BTS athletic coach Bernard Bryant, the Rev. Alton A. Glazier, Mrs. Ruth Sykes, Mrs. Carol Hodges and Mrs. Sherman Richards. Standing (left to right) are A. J. Creel, the Rev. C. W. Carpenter and BTS instructor Harold Stone.

Popsicle Stick Lamp Made at Lower Light Church Bible School, September 1964 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Popsicle Stick Lamp Made at Lower Light Church Bible School, September 1964 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 5, 1964
And There Was Light Seven students of the summer Bible school at the Lower Light Church, 3223 Nordman, created light as part of their studies this year - 15 lights, to be exact. The youngsters made 15 unusual table lamps from 9,620 popsicle sticks, 608 sticks to a lamp. Some of the lights were sold and some, like the one shown above in the home of Mrs. Nora Bemis, 117 E. Davis, were given to summer Bible school teachers. Each 608-stick lamp took approximately eight child-hours to glue together, Mrs. Bemis says. The 9 a.m. to noon Bible sessions also included half an hour of prayer and Bible teaching.

St. Paul Lutheran Church's Vacation Bible School Program, June 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton

St. Paul Lutheran Church's Vacation Bible School Program, June 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 20, 1963
Bible School Program: Members of the junior high school department of St. Paul's Lutheran Church's Vacation Bible School presented two skits at the worship service and final program of the school yesterday. Tom Zimmerman portrayed "Pastor Wagner" visiting the home of the "Taylors" whose children attend church although their parents do not. Others in the skit from left to right are Sheryl Smith, Joann Rusch, and Margie Klammer. They were directed by Miss Charleen Boelter, who heads the two-week summer Bible school.