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C.A.P. Pilots at Ann Arbor Airport, May 1942 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

C.A.P. Pilots at Ann Arbor Airport, May 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1942
Private airplane pilots in Ann Arbor have been organized into a local civil air patrol as part of a national program under the Office of Civilian Defense. Eyes skyward, the three pilots pictured above at the local airport typify the part civilian fliers may be called upon to play in assisting the Army in military protection operations.

Ann Arbor's "flying grandmother," CAP pilot Maude S. Rufus, Flies War Production Man to Grand Rapids, June 1943 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor's "flying grandmother," CAP pilot Maude S. Rufus, Flies War Production Man to Grand Rapids, June 1943 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 29, 1943
CAP COURIER SERVICE INAUGURATED: The Ann Arbor Civil Air Patrol inaugurated its war-time courier service yesterday afternoon when an official of an Ann Arbor plant was flown to Grand Rapids on a war business trip. Mrs. W. Carl Rufus, Ann Arbor's "flying grandmother," was chosen to pilot the first courier flight. She is shown conferring with her passenger, Jay H. Leason, a financial executive of International Industries, Inc., on details of the flight before leaving the Ann Arbor municipal airport in her plane. Mrs. Rufus returned to Ann Arbor alone, Mrs. Leason being scheduled to go on to Chicago from Grand Rapids. The CAP maintains an office at the airport through which arrangements for courier flights can be made in planes owned and operated by CAP members.