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Bill Koernke With Opening Day Trout Catch, April 1942 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Bill Koernke With Opening Day Trout Catch, April 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 2, 1942
AN AUSPICIOUS OPENING: Bill Koernke, 731 Gott St., reported one of the most successful opening days of any Ann Arborite who took to the trout streams last Saturday. Mr. Koernke, fishing the north branch of the Au Sable, took nine trout which weighed in the aggregate between eight and nine pounds. The large fish nearest the angler in the picture above is a rainbow that tipped the scales at two and three-fourths pounds. The brook trout next to the rainbow weighed one and three-quarters pounds.

Fishing Portage Pond, May 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Fishing Portage Pond, May 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 19, 1944
PORTAGE POND PROVES POPULAR: Conservation department fish division men can pat themselves on the back for stocking Portage pond, in Jackson county just over the Washtenaw line, with keeper-size trout for the season's fishing. The spot is popular with nearby fishing enthusiasts as the above picture demonstrates.

Donal Hamilton Haines Fishing Portage Pond, May 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Donal Hamilton Haines Fishing Portage Pond, May 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 10, 1974
Ann Arbor 1944: One of the best cures for what ails Michiganians in February is a picture of what it is like in May, so here's one of a fisherman casting for trout in Portage Creek in May 1944. He is the late Donal Hamilton Haines, associate professor of journalism at the U-M and at the time "Director of the Training Program for the Michigan Daily," campus newspaper. Haines, with his tweeds, impressive mustache and ever-present pipe, was a colorful figure on the campus. He taught short story writing and wrote an outdoors column for the Ann Arbor News.

Bill Koernke With Trout, October 1941 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Bill Koernke With Trout, October 1941 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 11, 1940
WHO SAYS TROUT AREN'T BITING: Bill Koernke, 1604 Franklin Blvd., is shown with the 14 rainbow and brown trout he caught in five hours of fishing Tuesday night on the north branch of the Au Sable river near Lovells. The largest brown is 16 1/2 inches.

John Conlin With Prize-Winning Trout, October 1941 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

John Conlin With Prize-Winning Trout, October 1941 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 11, 1941
HOOKS BIG 'UN: John H. Conlin, 745 Gott St., hooked this 20-pound trout in Grand Traverse bay last Saturday and his catch proved large enough to win an angling contest for eight southern Michigan counties sponsored by the Interstate Collection Co., with which Mr. Conlin is affiliated. The big one was hooked in more than 300 feet of water on an 800-foot copper wire trolling line. Mr. Conlin, in company with 4 other men employed by the collection company, made the one-day trip on the last day of the contest which ran for eight weeks.

Tommy Ingram With Bass, July 1941 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Tommy Ingram With Bass, July 1941 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 19, 1941
HOOKS PAIR OF BEAUTIES: Tommy Ingram, 611 W. Washington St., pulled this pair out of Crooked Lake in Washtenaw County within half an hour's time last week. He was fishing with his brother, Robert, and Sgt. M. G. Howard of the Ann Arbor police force when he made the haul. The largest of the two fish weighs five and three-quarter pounds and the other five and one-half. The fish have some of the characteristics of both the large and small mouth bass and Sgt. Howard believes they may be a cross between the two. Mr. Ingram caught them, and three smaller ones, between 9 and 9:30 last Saturday morning.