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Sesquicentennial Interview: Fred Wahr

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

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Sesquicentennial Interview: Neil Staebler

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

50th Anniversary Confirmation Class Reunion at Zion Lutheran Church, May 1968 Photographer: Eck Stanger

50th Anniversary Confirmation Class Reunion at Zion Lutheran Church, May 1968 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 12, 1968
50th Anniversary Reunion Held The Zion Lutheran Confirmation Class of 1918 held its 50th Anniversary reunion at the church following services Sunday. In this class picture taken 50 years ago are (left to right, front row): Oscar Wild, Albert Becker, Irwin Jedele, Harold Schnierle, and Raymond Vogel; (second row), Clara Roehm, Lulu Linderman, Mrs. Pardon, Effie Roos, Pastor Stellhorn, Margaret Bolgos, Amanda Gauss, Lois Gates, and Lorraine Jewel; (third row) Albert Rauser, John Desmond, Harlan Roos, Lyman Hibbard, Robert Christman, Francis Test, Carl Bolgos, and Lawrence Gauss; (fourth row) Walter Belser, Emma Schaible, Margaret Backhaus, Elsa Wolf, Edna Staeblu, Grace Klager, and William Walz; (fifth row) Roland Walz, Alva Pardon, Helen Hockrein, Woodard Niethammer, Oscar Larmee, Elsa Stoll, (unidentified), and Ewald Steinke (sixth row) William Braatz, Fadelma Hoffsteter, Carl Briege, Louise Braun, (unidentified), Rose Klein, and Raymond Roos. Those attending Sunday's reunion were (front, left to right, bottom photo) Carl W. Bolgos, Elsa C. (Stoll) Lerette, Helen (Hochrein) Schmidt, Oscar F. Wild, and Raymond B. Vogel; (second row) Louise (Braun) Binhammer, Ewald H. Steinke and Harold J. Schnierle.