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Nora Le Tourneau Addresses National Council of Catholic Women at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti, November 1957 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Nora Le Tourneau Addresses National Council of Catholic Women at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti, November 1957 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 11, 1957
Institute Speaker: Miss Nora Le Tourneau of Washington, D.C. (center), field secretary of the National Council of Catholic Women, addresses an institute for the Southwestern Deanery of the Detroit Archdiocesan council of the National Council of Catholic Women, Saturday at St. John's Church, Ypsilanti. Seated are the Rev. William P. Mooney of St. John's and Mrs. Edward Millis of Wayne, president of the deanery. Women from 35 parishes attended. The theme of the program was "Women at Work."