Ann Arbor Municipal Garage Employees Repaint Street Signs, February 1954 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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Ann Arbor News, February 5, 1954
A few of the city's thousands of street signs get a fresh coat of paint in the Municipal Garage with (left to right) Jack Hurula, Harold Garrett and Nick Schneider doing the work. While the second coat of white is wet, the crew spreads small glass beads on the surface to reflect motorists' headlights at night. Each of the city's street signs is repainted once every four years. The signs, made of California redwood, are manufactured in Ann Arbor by the Michigan Woodcraft Co.
Ann Arbor News, February 5, 1954
A few of the city's thousands of street signs get a fresh coat of paint in the Municipal Garage with (left to right) Jack Hurula, Harold Garrett and Nick Schneider doing the work. While the second coat of white is wet, the crew spreads small glass beads on the surface to reflect motorists' headlights at night. Each of the city's street signs is repainted once every four years. The signs, made of California redwood, are manufactured in Ann Arbor by the Michigan Woodcraft Co.
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