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Michigan Artrain - Exterior, June 1977 Photographer: Wystan Stevens

Michigan Artrain - Exterior, June 1977 image

Abbot School Students Say Goodbye To Inkster Students At Amtrak Station, March 1973 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Abbot School Students Say Goodbye To Inkster Students At Amtrak Station, March 1973 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 24, 1973
Mary Russell, Mother Of An Abbot Student, Says Goodbye To Inkster Student Teacher Sue John and Teacher Dervin Mood While Another Abbot Mother, Diane Baker (Foreground), Waves A Farewell

University of Michigan Students Returning Home For Christmas, Michigan Central Depot, December 1942 Photographer: Eck Stanger

University of Michigan Students Returning Home For Christmas, Michigan Central Depot, December 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1942
UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY BEGINS: Santa Claus is coming to other towns than Ann Arbor, and the University students shown above, who flocked to the Michigan Central depot yesterday, will catch him in their own home towns. Some took the westbound train (facing the camera) to Chicago and points west, and the rest entrained to Detroit and points east. The three-inch-blanket of snow was hailed as a harbinger of a white Christmas.