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Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: Domenico Telemaco, Owner of NYPD

From left to right, the owners of New York Pizza Depot, Mauro Telemaco, Giovanni Telemaco, Anna Grillo, and Giovanni Telemaco at their store in downtown Ann Arbor, photograph by Ryan Sun, courtesy of MLive
Mauro Telemaco, Giovanni Telemaco, Anna Grillo & Domenico Telemaco. Image courtesy of MLive, photograph by Ryan Sun

In this episode, AADL Talks To Domenico Telemaco. Domenico tells us about his experiences owning and operating NYPD in downtown Ann Arbor for the past 27 years. He discusses how the business began, changes and expansions over the years, and reflects on popular menu offerings that withstood the test of time.


Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: Fred LaBour, former writer for The Michigan Daily and member of the musical group Riders in the Sky

Fred LaBour
Fred "Too Slim" LaBour (Photo courtesy of Riders in the Sky)

In this episode, AADL Talks to "Too Slim" Fred LaBour. Fred is a member of Riders in the Sky, an American Country and Western music and comedy quartet that has performed together since 1977. From '67 to '71, Fred was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan where he covered sports and wrote music reviews for The Michigan Daily. Fred discusses the campus culture that shaped his career and he walks us through a day in the life of a too-slim "wise ass" English major whose satirical review of the Beatles’ "Abbey Road" album propelled the “Paul McCartney is Dead” urban legend that took the country by storm.

Read Fred's October 14, 1969 "Paul is Dead" article in The Michigan Daily.

Check out Riders in the Sky in the AADL catalog. The group is also featured on the following CDs: Toy Story Favorites, Toy Story 2, Disney Pixar All Time Favorites, and Woody's Roundup.

Cottage Inn, 1976 Photographer: Rick Cocco

Cottage Inn, 1976 image

Cottage Inn, May 16, 2020 Photographer: Amy Cantu

Cottage Inn, May 16, 2020 image

Cottage Inn Pizza, May 9, 2020 Photographer: Amy Cantu

Cottage Inn Pizza, May 9, 2020 image

Cottage Inn, May 3, 2020 Photographer: Amy Cantu

Cottage Inn, May 3, 2020 image