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Boys Are Working, Giving For Fun, July 1969 Photographer: Jack Stubbs

Boys Are Working, Giving For Fun, July 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 19, 1969
Youngsters at Ann Arbor's First United Methodist Church are working and giving for fun this summer. As part of a special church program, "Summer Happening," children in grades three through five are gathering and repairing old toys for needy children in the nation. The boys turn to mechanical work (above picture) [this photo] such as fixing old wagons and scooters, while the girls (below) repair dolls and sew new clothes for them. The children prepared for their repair work by visiting Goodwill Industries last month. The "Summer Happening" will end Wednesday when the like-new toys are packed up for delivery to various parts of the country.

Girls Are Working, Giving For Fun, July 1969 Photographer: Jack Stubbs

Girls Are Working, Giving For Fun, July 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 19, 1969
Youngsters at Ann Arbor's First United Methodist Church are working and giving for fun this summer. As part of a special church program, "Summer Happening," children in grades three through five are gathering and repairing old toys for needy children in the nation. The boys turn to mechanical work (above picture) such as fixing old wagons and scooters, while the girls (below) [this photo] repair dolls and sew new clothes for them. The children prepared for their repair work by visiting Goodwill Industries last month. The "Summer Happening" will end Wednesday when the like-new toys are packed up for delivery to various parts of the country.

Fournier Accepts Job With Goodwill

Fournier Accepts Job With Goodwill image
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