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AADL Talks To: Liz Brater, 58th Mayor of Ann Arbor (1991-1993)

photo of liz brater
Liz Brater, December 1992

Elizabeth S. Brater is Ann Arbor's first female mayor, serving as a Democrat from 1991 to 1993. Prior to 1991, she was a member of Ann Arbor City Council. As both council member and mayor, Liz focused on housing and environmental issues, causes she continued at the state level when serving as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives from 1995 to 2000, and in the Michigan Senate, where she represented the 18th district from 2003 to 2010. Brater talks with us about her time in office, its many challenges, and some of her initiatives and accomplishments, notably her campaign to start the Michigan Recovery Facility (MRF).

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There Went The Neighborhood - Studio Interview: Shirley Beckley

Shirley Beckley attended Jones School from 1948 to 1950, and she became involved with the Ann Arbor Public Schools in the 1960s as a parent and ombudsman. She witnessed racism against her children and other students, including a race riot at Pioneer High School.

This interview was filmed during the making of the documentary film There Went The Neighborhood: The Closing of Jones School, produced by the Ann Arbor District Library and 7 Cylinders Studio. More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.

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There Went The Neighborhood - State Theatre Interview: Mary Hinton-Jones

Mary Hinton Jones was interviewed after a preliminary screening of the documentary film There Went The Neighborhood: The Closing of Jones School at the State Theatre on April 16, 2023. She shares memories of Jones School and the surrounding neighborhood, including why many Black homeowners moved away.

More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.

William Hampton Speaks at Housing Forum, February 1993 Photographer: Benjamin Rusnak

William Hampton Speaks at Housing Forum, February 1993 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1993
William Hampton, acting director of the Ann Arbor Housing Commission, speaks about the problems of housing the elderly, physically disabled and mentally ill together in the same housing complexes. Hampton said many physically disabled and mentally ill people are younger, often have more guests and stay up later, which bothers the elderly residents.

White Unit Backs Black Forum Aims

White Unit Backs Black Forum Aims image
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Mayor Plans Talks In Appointee Feud

Mayor Plans Talks In Appointee Feud image
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