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Aaron Barfield Gives High School Students A Tour Of Barfield Manufacturing, July 23, 1981 Photographer: Jane Hale

Aaron Barfield Gives High School Students A Tour Of Barfield Manufacturing, July 23, 1981 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 23, 1981
Field trip- High school students from Detroit visited the Barfield Manufacturing Co. in Ypsilanti Wednesday for a tour of the auto parts manufacturing firm. Acting as a guide is Aaron Barfield, far right, who shows the students one of the firm's fastener products. Barfield Manufacturing was founded by John and Betty Barfield in 1977.

Aaron Barfield Gives High School Students A Tour Of Barfield Manufacturing, July 23, 1981 Photographer: Jane Hale

Aaron Barfield Gives High School Students A Tour Of Barfield Manufacturing, July 23, 1981 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 23, 1981
Field trip- High school students from Detroit visited the Barfield Manufacturing Co. in Ypsilanti Wednesday for a tour of the auto parts manufacturing firm. Acting as a guide is Aaron Barfield, far right, who shows the students one of the firm's fastener products. Barfield Manufacturing was founded by John and Betty Barfield in 1977.

John Barfield On Roof Assisting Fireman At Barfield Manufacturing, November 22, 1983 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

John Barfield On Roof Assisting Fireman At Barfield Manufacturing, November 22, 1983 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 22, 1983
Owner John Barfield holds light for fireman digging through roof of Barfield Manufacturing, 800 Lowell, in Ypsilanti.

John Barfield On Roof Assisting Fireman At Barfield Manufacturing, November 22, 1983 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

John Barfield On Roof Assisting Fireman At Barfield Manufacturing, November 22, 1983 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 22, 1983
Owner John Barfield holds light for fireman digging through roof of Barfield Manufacturing, 800 Lowell, in Ypsilanti.

John Barfield At Barfield Manufacturing, October 20, 1983 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

John Barfield At Barfield Manufacturing, October 20, 1983 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 20, 1983
Barfield looks over screws that have come out of a thread roll machine.