Fireworks Funds Sought, May 1969

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 27, 1969
"A check for $300 to help finance a July 4 fireworks display is accepted N. B. Kelsay of the Spirit of the '76 Club (left). Presenting the check is Russell Losey (right), chairman of the public and business affairs committee of the Ann Arbor Eastern Kiwanis Club, and Howard Fanning, president of the Kiwanis group. Finds for the fireworks display have been solicited from merchants, but the sponsoring Spirit of '76 Club is $1,700 short of its $4000 goal. An appeal is now being made to the general public. The traditional fireworks display at Buhr Park was not held last year because of a lack of funds. Donations may be sent Kelsay at 3008 Packard."
Ann Arbor News, May 27, 1969
"A check for $300 to help finance a July 4 fireworks display is accepted N. B. Kelsay of the Spirit of the '76 Club (left). Presenting the check is Russell Losey (right), chairman of the public and business affairs committee of the Ann Arbor Eastern Kiwanis Club, and Howard Fanning, president of the Kiwanis group. Finds for the fireworks display have been solicited from merchants, but the sponsoring Spirit of '76 Club is $1,700 short of its $4000 goal. An appeal is now being made to the general public. The traditional fireworks display at Buhr Park was not held last year because of a lack of funds. Donations may be sent Kelsay at 3008 Packard."
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