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West Side United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship Members Wash The Bus Of The First Methodist Church, April 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

West Side United Methodist Church Youth Fellowship Members Wash The Bus Of The First Methodist Church, April 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1969
Members of the Junior and Senior High United Methodist Youth Fellowship groups of the West Side United Methodist Church use a Saturday afternoon to wash the bus of the First Methodist Church as a gesture of thanks to the First Church for letting the group bring the bus to the West Side Church to show adult members of the congregation "what a bus looks like." The West Side youth currently are trying to raise enough trading stamps and funds to purchase a bus of their own.

Millie Danielson Lights The Candle On Her Sugarplum Ring Centerpiece, April 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Millie Danielson Lights The Candle On Her Sugarplum Ring Centerpiece, April 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 29, 1969
A Centerpiece That's Good To Eat. Mrs. Lee E. Danielson puts the finishing touches on a Sugarplum Ring, a tasty coffee cake that doubles as an attractive centerpiece for a brunch table. An expert at breadmaking, she is surrounded by other specialties, including (from left) an Orange Butter Coffeecake, a pumpernickel loaf and Holiday Sage Bread. (News photos by Cecil Lockard)

Crowd Gathered At Buhr Park Waits For Fireworks Show To Begin - July 4, 1975 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Crowd Gathered At Buhr Park Waits For Fireworks Show To Begin -  July 4, 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 5, 1975
The eyes of towheaded tykes and their elders reflect the glitter of majestic rockets and sputtering sparklers Friday night as a crowd of between 20,000 and 30,000 gathered at Buhr Park to celebrate the nation's 199th birthday.

Girls At Buhr Park Wait For Fireworks Show To Begin - July 4, 1975 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Girls At Buhr Park Wait For Fireworks Show To Begin -  July 4, 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 5, 1975
Her Overalls Stuffed With Beer, A Girl And Her Friend Wait For Ann Arbor Fireworks