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Michigan Theater manager Raymond Mesler and Chris Therral Delaporte, July 1980 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

Michigan Theater manager Raymond Mesler and Chris Therral Delaporte, July 1980 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 15, 1980
HEADS UP — The soaring ceiling of the Michigan Theatre lobby attracts the attention of theater manager Raymond Mesler and Chris Therral Delaporte, director of the U.S. Interior Department's Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. Delaporte was in Ann Arbor Monday to review the agency's Lake Central Regional Office at the Federal Building, and took time to tour two historic sites, the theater and Kempf House. Created in 1978, Delaporte's agency assumed most of the functions of the former Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, the Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, and the National Natural Landmarks Program.

Federal Building, 1985 Photographer: Susan Wineberg

Federal Building, 1985 image