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Mothers & Their Pre-Kindergarten Children Visit Bach School, April 1947

Mothers & Their Pre-Kindergarten Children Visit Bach School, April 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 2, 1947
VISIT KINDERGARTEN: Mrs. Ward Parr (left) and Mrs. Herbert Sager (right) are among the mothers of pre-kindergarten children who are taking advantage of the new program for pre-kindergarten children at Bach school. In previous years, all the mothers were invited to take their pre-school children to visit the kindergarten on the same day. This year, however, mothers and their children are being invited to come one at a time or in groups of two. In this way the children are given a more natural opportunity to become acquainted with kindergarten activities. The children in the picture are Carol Jean Parr and Mrs. Sager's twin sons, Dudley (left) and Douglas (right). The dog being admired by Carol Jean is called Bambi and belongs to Miss Blanche Robison, one of the kindergarten teachers. The other kindergarten teacher is Dorothy Campbell.

Dudley Sager Marks Lumber For New Playground at Eberwhite School, May 1990 Photographer: Rodney Curtis

Dudley Sager Marks Lumber For New Playground at Eberwhite School, May 1990 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 4, 1990
More than 1,000 people have gathered this week to help build a new playground at Eberwhite School. Paula Denton, Tom O'Connell and John Griebe, top, began by working on a step portion of the playscape while Eberwhite alumnus Dudley Sager, above [this photo], marks lumber to be cut. Roman Tresniowsky, far right, gets lumber ready for varnishing while Jack Brown and Art Bauer work on the maze portion of the playground structure.