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Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: John Hieftje, 60th Mayor of Ann Arbor, 2000-2014

John Hieftje
John Hieftje, 2006

John Hieftje is Ann Arbor’s 60th and longest-serving mayor, elected first in 2000, then re-elected for six consecutive terms. John grew up in Ann Arbor and discusses how the student protests of the late 1960s and early 1970s influenced his community activism and helped shape his political career. He also talks about some of the challenges he faced in office, from the Great Recession of the mid-2000s to his work on the Ann Arbor Greenbelt, polluter laws, and bicycle infrastructure. He also talks about some of the city's ongoing efforts to address climate change and affordable housing.

Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: Liz Brater, 58th Mayor of Ann Arbor (1991-1993)

photo of liz brater
Liz Brater, December 1992

Elizabeth S. Brater is Ann Arbor's first female mayor, serving as a Democrat from 1991 to 1993. Prior to 1991, she was a member of Ann Arbor City Council. As both council member and mayor, Liz focused on housing and environmental issues, causes she continued at the state level when serving as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives from 1995 to 2000, and in the Michigan Senate, where she represented the 18th district from 2003 to 2010. Brater talks with us about her time in office, its many challenges, and some of her initiatives and accomplishments, notably her campaign to start the Michigan Recovery Facility (MRF).

Ann Arbor 200
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AADL Talks To: Janis Bobrin, Former Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner

Janis Bobrin
Janis Bobrin

Janis Bobrin came to the University of Michigan in 1969 to study urban planning and quickly became politically active in environmental issues with a particular interest in water resource management. She eventually served six terms as Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner. Since retiring as Drain Commissioner in 2012, Janis has served on numerous regional boards including the Huron River Watershed Council, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, and Dawn Farm. Janis talks with us about some of the projects she undertook as Drain Commissioner and the many challenges she and her staff faced over the years. She also talks with us about Ann Arbor's ongoing efforts to address the Pall-Gelman dioxane spill and issues surrounding urban planning and density.

Read more about Janis Bobrin in historical articles from the Ann Arbor News and Ann Arbor Observer.


Gelman, state push for end to trial

Gelman, state push for end to trial image
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Huston/Rader family at home, with bottled water, February 1992 Photographer: Carrie Rosema

Huston/Rader family at home, with bottled water, February 1992 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 9, 1992
Ted Huston, Rosemary Rader and their children, Eric, 6, and Marisa, 3, use bottled water for cooking, drinking and brushing their teeth.

Metal Cap That Marks Gelman's Deep Injection Well Closure, August 1994 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

Metal Cap That Marks Gelman's Deep Injection Well Closure, August 1994 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 17, 1994
A metal cap that marks the closure of Gelman Sciences deep injection well carries the date it was capped and other required information.

Gelman 2nd in state for toxins

Gelman 2nd in state for toxins image
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More monitoring of drinking water urged

More monitoring of drinking water urged image
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