War Dog Memorial - Happy Hunting Grounds Memorial Park, April 1955

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 12, 1955
BRAVE WAR DOGS HONORED: Shown above is the monument erected in honor of famed dogs who served U. S. Armies in World War I and II, in the Happy Hunting Grounds Memorial Park, three miles northeast of South Lyon. Within the 26-acre plot of ground are buried more than 4,000 famous and beloved pets.
Ann Arbor News, April 12, 1955
BRAVE WAR DOGS HONORED: Shown above is the monument erected in honor of famed dogs who served U. S. Armies in World War I and II, in the Happy Hunting Grounds Memorial Park, three miles northeast of South Lyon. Within the 26-acre plot of ground are buried more than 4,000 famous and beloved pets.
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