Explosion At Beaver's Bike & Hobby Shop, June 1965

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 21, 1965
Employes of the Beaver Bike and Hobby Shop, 605 Church St., clean up shortly after a small propane gas tank being used for repair work exploded in a rear room. The blast Saturday afternoon blew a light fixture off a wall, shattered three five-foot-high windows at the front of the store and cracked the plaster in a wall of a barber shop next door. No one was injured. Fragments of the glass are visible.
Ann Arbor News, June 21, 1965
Employes of the Beaver Bike and Hobby Shop, 605 Church St., clean up shortly after a small propane gas tank being used for repair work exploded in a rear room. The blast Saturday afternoon blew a light fixture off a wall, shattered three five-foot-high windows at the front of the store and cracked the plaster in a wall of a barber shop next door. No one was injured. Fragments of the glass are visible.
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