Steeple placed on Evangel Temple, Assembly of God, February 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 10, 1967
Finishing Touch A crane hoists the steeple into place atop the new Evangel Temple, Assembly of God, on Washtenaw Ave. at Stadium Blvd. The new church, built on a 3 1/2-acre site, seats 500 worshipers. First services in the new building were held at the beginning of the year. A formal dedication service is planned this spring.
Ann Arbor News, February 10, 1967
Finishing Touch A crane hoists the steeple into place atop the new Evangel Temple, Assembly of God, on Washtenaw Ave. at Stadium Blvd. The new church, built on a 3 1/2-acre site, seats 500 worshipers. First services in the new building were held at the beginning of the year. A formal dedication service is planned this spring.
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