Finishing Touches Are Painted On An "Operation Tooth Club" Bunny At Shipman's Toy Store, March 1964

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 20, 1964
PROJECT TOOTHLESS TUESDAY: Two Ann Arbor Women for Peace will distribute information on their project, "Operation Tooth Club," from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday at Shipman's Toy Store on Main St. The club is emphasizing "toothless Tuesday" as a reminder for youngsters to donate their baby teeth to science. Since it was organized last October, the club has received 500 teeth from area children. Putting the finishing touches on a "toothless" bunny who will greet youngsters at Shipman's is Mrs. Richard Webster while Peter Converse, 6, and Mrs. Joel Smoller and Katheryn Moss watch.
Ann Arbor News, March 20, 1964
PROJECT TOOTHLESS TUESDAY: Two Ann Arbor Women for Peace will distribute information on their project, "Operation Tooth Club," from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday at Shipman's Toy Store on Main St. The club is emphasizing "toothless Tuesday" as a reminder for youngsters to donate their baby teeth to science. Since it was organized last October, the club has received 500 teeth from area children. Putting the finishing touches on a "toothless" bunny who will greet youngsters at Shipman's is Mrs. Richard Webster while Peter Converse, 6, and Mrs. Joel Smoller and Katheryn Moss watch.
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