Ann Arbor League Of Women Voters Members & Their Posters For The State Convention, May 1957

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1957
CONVENTION-BOUND: Four members of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters hold up the posters which they will exhibit at the state convention, as they prepare to leave this morning for the meeting in Flint. The members are (left to right) Mrs. Franklin G. Moore, Mrs. Harold R. Helbig, Mrs. Edwin H. Sonnecken and Mrs. Joseph L. Ullman.
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1957
CONVENTION-BOUND: Four members of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters hold up the posters which they will exhibit at the state convention, as they prepare to leave this morning for the meeting in Flint. The members are (left to right) Mrs. Franklin G. Moore, Mrs. Harold R. Helbig, Mrs. Edwin H. Sonnecken and Mrs. Joseph L. Ullman.
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