Serious Ping Pong Player At Allmendinger Park, June 1949

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 23, 1949
In the second row, the toy band and bar swingers are playing in West Park, and the little paddlers are in the shallows at Island Park. The crucial horseshoe pit measurement is taking place at West Park; the intent ping-ponger was caught at Allmendinger Park; and the football pass play was broken up at Burns Park.
Ann Arbor News, June 23, 1949
In the second row, the toy band and bar swingers are playing in West Park, and the little paddlers are in the shallows at Island Park. The crucial horseshoe pit measurement is taking place at West Park; the intent ping-ponger was caught at Allmendinger Park; and the football pass play was broken up at Burns Park.
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