Former Carpenter School Building Becomes Grace Bible Church Sunday School - 3360 Carpenter Rd, October 1954

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 2, 1954
BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL: The old Carpenter School on Carpenter Rd. near Coachville Gardens Trailer Court has been turned into a branch Sunday School by Grace Bible Church. Classes will open there tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. for all ages through adult. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fries, mission appointees to the Philippines, will direct the classes while serving a six-month tryout period before going abroad.
Ann Arbor News, October 2, 1954
BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL: The old Carpenter School on Carpenter Rd. near Coachville Gardens Trailer Court has been turned into a branch Sunday School by Grace Bible Church. Classes will open there tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. for all ages through adult. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fries, mission appointees to the Philippines, will direct the classes while serving a six-month tryout period before going abroad.
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