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Teachers Lounge Lunchroom at Huron High Gets a New Mural, November 1972

Teachers Lounge Lunchroom at Huron High Gets a New Mural, November 1972 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 9, 1972
Huron High School teachers have someone to eat lunch with these days--Albert Einstein. Einstein holds a stained glass window next to three circles with trees in them in a wall painting done by Michael Kozmiuk, an 18-year-old senior art student. Teachers thought their lunchroom wall was looking pretty drab so they asked Michael, who says "I've painted as long as I can remember," to brighten it. The student of Mrs. Alice Crawford has called the painting "Three Circles," the meaning of which "is a secret." Michael used tempera paint on a white surface. The circles are of two shades of orange and yellow and the stained glass is multi-colored. Overlapping paints create a variety of shades. Michael says several teachers have asked Principal Paul K. Meyers whether Michael could be permitted to paint on some of the other walls in the school.

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