Washtenaw County Hospital Patients Fill Envelopes for March of Dimes Fundraiser, December 1962
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 26, 1962
Dimes March Letters: Letters asking for support for the 1963 March of Dimes campaign for the National Foundation will be mailed to area residents the early part of next month. Above, Mrs. Mildred Perry, program coordinator at Washtenaw County Hospital (standing), supervises the filling of envelopes by hospital patients (from left), Clayton Van Cleaf, Mrs. Hattie Holter, Martin Noll, Wendall Derbyshire, Tom Wheeler and Herman Pieper. Patients of the hospital performed the same volunteer service last year for the campaign.
Ann Arbor News, December 26, 1962
Dimes March Letters: Letters asking for support for the 1963 March of Dimes campaign for the National Foundation will be mailed to area residents the early part of next month. Above, Mrs. Mildred Perry, program coordinator at Washtenaw County Hospital (standing), supervises the filling of envelopes by hospital patients (from left), Clayton Van Cleaf, Mrs. Hattie Holter, Martin Noll, Wendall Derbyshire, Tom Wheeler and Herman Pieper. Patients of the hospital performed the same volunteer service last year for the campaign.
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