School Officials & Guests Attend Perry School Addition Dedication, November 29, 1956

Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1956
The newly named, Lawrence C. Perry School on Harriet St., was dedicated Wednesday night in the new gymnasium before a large crowd. School officials and special guests front row from left are, Rev. William P. Mooney, who lead benediction, Amos Washington, Mrs Mildred Harris, board trustees, Mrs Louise Bass, president of the school P.T.A., Dr. Arnold W. Brown, president of the school board, Rev. Thomas Smith leading invocation, Lawrence C. Perry Jr., the son of the late Lawrence Perry for whom the school was named, Dr. Clair L. Taylor, superintendent of public instruction, Charles E. Beatty, principal, Mrs Beth Milford, board member. Back row, from left, are Donald H. Porter, school business manager, Hugh Adams, trustee, Edward Kurtz, contractor, R. S. Gerganoff, architect, Judge James R. Breakey Jr., in memoriam speaker, Evart W. Ardis, superintendent of schools, Michael Bass, student council, Clyde Budd, school board and Edward Cuthbert. An open house and special music preceded the formal program.
Lawrence C. Perry School (Ypsilanti)
Building Additions
Ypsilanti Public Schools
Ypsilanti Board of Education
LOH Education
LOH Education - Perry School (Ypsilanti)
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Rev. William P. Mooney
Amos Washington
Mrs. Mildred Harris
Louise Bass
Arnold W. Brown
Thomas Smith
Lawrence C. Perry Jr
Clair L. Taylor
Charles Eugene Beatty
Beth Milford
Donald H. Porter
Hugh Adams
Edward Kurtz
R. S. Gerganoff
James R. Breakey Jr.
Evart W. Ardis
Michael Thomas Bass
Clyde Budd
Edward Cuthbert
633 Harriet