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Family of Slain Civil Rights Worker Viola Liuzzo Sue FBI In Federal Court, March 1983

Family of Slain Civil Rights Worker Viola Liuzzo Sue FBI In Federal Court, March 1983 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 21, 1983
Suing FBI - One of the Liuzzo family's attorneys helps Tommy Liuzzo with his tie before heading into court this morning to hear the start of testimony in a $2 million suit the family has filed against the FBI. Watching Tommy's last-minute adjustments were (from left) Penny, Mary, Sally and Tony Liuzzo. The Liuzzos charge that FBI acted improperly in the death of their mother, Viola, in 1965 after her participation in a march protesting the denial of voting rights to blacks. Stories on Pages A6 and D1.

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