Lee Bollinger and Mark Yao Try Out Exhibit at Hands-On Museum Expo, May 1980

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 21, 1980
Ready, Set...Hands On! Lee Bollinger, 7, left, and Mark Yao, 12, try out a hand-cranked generator which is among exhibits on display at the University of Michigan Rackham Building. This 'hands-on' exhibit is similar to one at the Boston Science Museum and demonstrates how one can use his own energy for conversion to electrical energy to light one, two or three light bulbs, depending on the effort expended.
Ann Arbor News, May 21, 1980
Ready, Set...Hands On! Lee Bollinger, 7, left, and Mark Yao, 12, try out a hand-cranked generator which is among exhibits on display at the University of Michigan Rackham Building. This 'hands-on' exhibit is similar to one at the Boston Science Museum and demonstrates how one can use his own energy for conversion to electrical energy to light one, two or three light bulbs, depending on the effort expended.
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